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- PublicAccess is generally available to all people. Registration or account creation might be required to access.
For commercial websites, the UC Irvine Libraries do not offer premium memberships or subscriptions.
Access is available to all people ON the UC Irvine campus and at GML.
OFF campus access requires Authorized Affiliates to log into the VPN with their active UCInetID and password. Authorized Affiliates are people with an active UCInetID and password, i.e., current UC Irvine students and employees.
Access requires an active UCInetID and password.
Authorized Affiliates are people with an active UCInetID and password, i.e., current UC Irvine students and employees.
These resources are not licensed by the UC Irvine Libraries, but librarians occasionally promote them when they are relevant for certain types of research.
Access is available only for Authorized Affiliates, who are also affiliated with the Paul Merage School of Business.
The resources are limited to select UC Irvine populations, based on a person’s status, e.g., current UC Irvine Faculty or PhD students. Please refer to the UC Irvine Libraries for access instructions.
Examples for why content may be limited include: a vendor set restrictions on who may access their information; alternatively, information may be sensitive, identifying, or embargoed.
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Popular News
Most Requested Titles |
Title | Access | Coverage | Premium* | Notes |
Wall Street Journal | See Notes | Global | Yes | 1) The UCI Libraries sponsor a campus-wide subscription for UCI Authorized Affiliates. -- Account required? Yes -- Mobile app available? Yes 2) Users on the UCI campus network can access WSJ articles in other databases. |
New York Times | See Notes | Global | Yes | 1) The UCI Libraries sponsor a campus-wide subscription for UCI Authorized Affiliates. -- Account required? Yes -- Mobile app available? Yes 2) Users on the UCI campus network can access NYT articles in other databases. |
Financial Times |
See Notes | Global | Yes | 1) The UCI Libraries sponsor a campus-wide subscription for UCI Authorized Affiliates. -- Account required? Yes -- Mobile app available? Yes 2) Users on the UCI campus network can access FT articles in other databases. |
Economist | UCI | Global |
1) The UCI Libraries sponsor a campus-wide subscription for UCI Authorized Affiliates. (New as of 2025!) -- Account required? Yes -- Mobile app available? Yes 2) Users on the UCI campus network can access Economist articles in other databases. |
Orange County Business Journal |
UCI | CA | -- | Available in the Regional Business News database. Articles are PDF scans of the print version. The Book of Lists A compilation of all lists published by OCBJ during the previous year. How to find the Book of Lists |
Harvard Business Review | UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. The HBR news content is separate from Harvard's instructional materials, (e.g. Cases, Modules, and Core Curriculum Articles). |
More Key Titles |
Title | Access | Coverage | Premium* | Notes |
Atlantic |
UCI | Global | -- |
Available in the Nexis Uni database. |
Barron's |
UCI | Global | -- | Select content available in the Factiva database. Articles are text-only (i.e., no images). |
Bloomberg |
UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. |
Conference Board |
UCI | Global | Yes | The UCI Libraries sponsor a campus-wide subscription. -- Account required? No -- Mobile app available? No |
Consumer Reports |
UCI | US | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. Articles are PDF scans of the print version. |
Daily News of Los Angeles |
UCI | CA | -- | Available in the Access World News database. Articles are text-only (i.e., no images). |
Entrepreneur Magazine |
UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. Articles are PDF scans of the print version. |
Fast Company |
UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. Articles are PDF scans of the print version. |
Forbes Magazine |
UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. Articles are PDF scans of the print version. |
Foreign Affairs |
UCI | Global | -- |
Business Source Complete HeinOnline |
Fortune Magazine |
UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. Articles are PDF scans of the print version. |
Inc. Magazine |
UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. Articles are PDF scans of the print version. |
Investor's Business Daily |
UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. Articles are text-only (i.e., no images). |
Kiplinger's Personal Finance |
UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. Articles are PDF scans of the print version. |
Los Angeles Business Journal |
UCI | CA | -- |
1) Available in the Factiva database on a 4-week delay. 2) Print version in Langson Library, Current Periodicals; (Bound) HF 5001 L67 |
Los Angeles Times |
UCI | Global | -- | Available in the ProQuest News database. Articles are text-only (i.e., no images). |
McKinsey Quarterly |
UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. Articles are text-only (i.e., no images). |
MarketWatch | UCI | US | -- | Select content available in the Factiva database. Articles are text-only (i.e., no images). |
NewsWeek |
UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. Articles are text-only (i.e., no images). |
Nikkei Asia |
UCI | Asia and US |
Yes |
The UCI Libraries sponsor a campus-wide subscription. -- Account required? No -- Mobile app available? No |
Orange County Register | UCI- Authorized Affiliates |
CA | Yes | The UCI Libraries sponsor a campus-wide subscription for UCI Authorized Affiliates. -- Account required? No -- Mobile app available? No |
UCI | US and CA |
Yes | The UCI Libraries sponsor a campus-wide subscription. -- Account required? No -- Mobile app available? No |
PR Newswire | UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Access World News database. Articles are text-only (i.e., no images). |
San Diego Business Journal |
UCI | CA | -- | Available in the MasterFILE Premier database. Articles are PDF scans of the print version. |
San Diego Union Tribune |
UCI | CA | -- | Available in the Access World News database. Articles are a mix of text-only (i.e., no images). and PDF scans. |
San Francisco Chronicle |
UCI | CA | -- | Available in the Access World News database. Articles are a mix of text-only (i.e., no images). and PDF scans. |
Scientific American |
UCI | Global | Yes | The UC System sponsors a system-wide subscription as part of the UC's agreement with Springer Nature. -- Account required? No -- Mobile app available? No |
UCI | Asia and Global |
Yes | Does not include: 1) mobile app access; 2) SCMP Plus content. |
US News & World Report |
UCI | Global | -- | Available in the Business Source Complete database. Articles are PDF scans of the print version, and rankings data is not included. |
Washington Post |
UCI | Global | Yes | The UCI Libraries sponsor a campus-wide subscription. UCI Authorized Affiliates can also activate a personal account. -- Account required? No -- Mobile app available? Yes |
* What does "Premium" mean?
When the UCI Libraries (or the UC System) sponsor a premium subscription, we negotiate and sign a license directly with the publisher, and we pay a subscription fee. This enables our users to access content directly from the publisher's native website (e.g., WSJ.com) without hitting paywalls.
News Databases
Business Source Complete
Access: UCI
Thousands of business articles from newspapers, trade publications, and magazines.
Access: UCI
Worldwide coverage of local and regional newspapers, trade publications, business newswires, press release wires, media transcripts, news photos, and business-rich websites. Factiva's terms of use prohibit text mining, i.e. using any code or program (e.g. crawlers and APIs) to automatically retrieve or download large amounts of content.
ProQuest U.S. Major Dailies
Access: UCI
Access to the text of the five most respected U.S. national and regional newspapers: New York Times, Washington-Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, and Chicago Tribune. Content is available by 8am each day and provides archives stretching as far back as 1985.
Access World News
Access: UCI
Full-text information from over 600 U.S. and over 700 international sources, each offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues.
Ethnic NewsWatch
Access: UCI
Full-text newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives, including ethnicity in the workplace.
The Conference Board
Access: UCI
A non-profit business membership and research group. Produces strategy-focused proprietary research reports and articles on topical business issues.
What's a trade publication?
Trade publications are generally written by people within an industry for people within an industry. For example, JCK is for people working in the jewelry industry, and the Chronicle of Higher Education is for people working at colleges and universities. Trade publications give great insight into the culture, vocabulary, and inner workings of an industry.
Want an easy overview for big controversial social issues?
Try CQ Researcher. Each entry reads like an easily understandable Wikipedia page, but
unlike Wikipedia, everything is credibly cited.
Off-campus? Please use the Software VPN and choose the group UCIFull to access licensed content. For more information, please Click here
Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.