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Access requires an active UCInetID and password.
Authorized Affiliates are people with an active UCInetID and password, i.e., current UC Irvine students and employees.
These resources are not licensed by the UC Irvine Libraries, but librarians occasionally promote them when they are relevant for certain types of research.
Access is available only for Authorized Affiliates, who are also affiliated with the Paul Merage School of Business.
The resources are limited to select UC Irvine populations, based on a person’s status, e.g., current UC Irvine Faculty or PhD students. Please refer to the UC Irvine Libraries for access instructions.
Examples for why content may be limited include: a vendor set restrictions on who may access their information; alternatively, information may be sensitive, identifying, or embargoed.
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I have so many questions about sharing my research...
That's OK because the UCI Libraries have so many answers!
Open access (OA) refers to "the free, immediate, online availability of research articles, coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment" (SPARC). When share you make your research OA, everyone in the world can freely benefit from it (no pesky paywalls)!
The UC System has two OA Policies that cover you if you write scholarly research while you're employed at UC or a graduate student at UC. These policies mean that UC has the right to make your research openly available, via eScholarship (more on that below).
If the UC Libraries have a transformative open access agreement with a publisher, then UC-affiliated authors can publish their research OA in its covered journals at reduced or no cost. A transformative OA agreement means the UC Libraries pay publishers article processing charges (APCs) to make UC affiliates' research open access, rather than pay publishers subscription fees. (Don't worry- UC affiliates can still access the publisher's content as if we got a subscription!)
UCOP's Office of Scholarly Communication's OA Publishing Agreements and Discounts page has a current list with details of the UC's active agreements, and it includes this key quote:
Terms vary, but under most agreements:
Do you have questions as you're submitting the manuscript of your paper to a publisher? That's OK!
Ask our Scholarly Communication Coordinator, Mitchell Brown. He can answer questions about APCs, licensing models, etc.
Depending on the publisher, your research may or may not be made openly accessible (OA), so you should also put your accepted manuscript (e.g. a paper without the publisher's fancy formatting) into eScholarship. This is the OA repository and publishing platform for the UC System, where researchers deposit their work in support of the UC System's OA policies. eScholarship is a green OA repository.
eScholarship lets you share articles, books, journals, working papers, conference proceedings, etc. It's organized by Campus and then Research Unit. Here's the Paul Merage School of Business page.
UCI's expert librarians from our Digital Scholarship Services department can help you manage and share your data. For example, they can guide you through the resources in UC3, i.e. the University of California Curation Center, which helps researchers manage, preserve, and provide access to their important digital assets. Tools and services include:
First, you'll need to get a bar code tattooed on your neck...(kidding!) OK, maybe it is a little bit like that. If you want people to find your research, even if your name changes or you have a popular name, then you need to get a unique identifier for yourself.
Open Researcher and Contributor ID. ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers. ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized."
Researcher ID
Create a unique identifier that can be linked to your ORCID identifier. ResearcherID is from Thomson Reuters, which also provides the Web of Science database. WoS is a comprehensive research index, with access to bibliographic and citation information across all academic disciplines.
Google Scholar Citations Profile
Provides a simple way for authors to keep track of citations to their articles. Authors can make their profile public, so that it may appear in Google Scholar results when people search for your name
Impact of X author's work:
Impact of X journal:
Working on your thesis or dissertation? Visit the UCI Libraries Electronic Theses & Dissertations page to:
Off-campus? Please use the Software VPN and choose the group UCIFull to access licensed content. For more information, please Click here
Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.