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Healthcare and Biotechnology

Healthcare and Biotechnology:  
Industry Databases




  • To get started:  [Left Sidebar] > click on Companies & Deals > Industry 

  • Relevant industries:  Healthcare; Medical Devices; Pharmaceuticals



Healthcare and Biotechnology:  News and Academic Articles


Key Databases: News and Academic Articles

and Access Info

Business Source Complete

Access: UCI


Covers virtually all business subjects. Thousands of entries for both trade and academic publications covering both healthcare and biotechnology.  Select trade titles include (alphabetically):

  • Biotech Business
  • Healthcare Executive
  • HFM (Healthcare Financial Management) 
  • Healthcare Purchasing News.  
  • Journal of Commercial Biotechnology 
  • Medical Marketing and Media
  • Modern Healthcare 
  • Pharmaceutical Technology


Access: UCI

A key database for academic articles across the life sciences.  Includes links to many sites providing full text articles.

Select News Publications

and Access Info
Premium* Description


Access: UCI Authorized Affiliates


Trade publication with exclusive reporting about the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, the health tech industry, science, and coverage at the intersection of health and policy, as well as access to exclusive events and other benefits.

  • First time users, register for an account with your UCI email address.

Scientific American

Access: UCI


News magazine that covers research, ideas and knowledge in science, health, technology, the environment and society.  The UC System sponsors a system-wide subscription as part of the UC's agreement with Springer Nature.  


Access: UCI


A trade publication from India that covers the business of bio-technology. Analyses of policy issues, products and services across the bio-pharma, bio-informatics, bio-infrastructure and bio-agriculture segments.

  • Articles are text-only (i.e. no images).  

Medical Economics

Access: UCI


A trade publication for office-based physicians. Coverage includes: challenges in practice management, patient relations, malpractice, electronic health records and other technology, career, and personal finance. 

  • Articles are text-only (i.e. no images).  

Select Academic (peer-reviewed) Publications

and Access Info

Premium* Description

Health Affairs

Access: UCI

Yes Journal on the intersection of health, health care, and policy. Analysis and discussion on improving health and health care, and addressing such issues as cost, quality, and access.

Health Care Management Review

Access: UCI

Yes Journal topics include: finance, marketing, labor relations, cost containment, quality assurance, planning, computers and technology, staff recruitment, pay and benefits, etc.

Health Economics

Access: UCI

Yes Journal topics include: determinants of health and its definition and valuation; the demand for and supply of health care; planning and market mechanisms; micro-economic evaluation of individual procedures and treatments;  evaluation of health care systems' performance.

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

Access: UCI

Yes Journal with a diverse range of medical topics, covering important issues that affect medicine, health, health care, and health policy.

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

Access: UCI

Yes Journal for everyone working in drug discovery and development. Includes news stories in drug discovery, summaries of key primary research papers, and updates on advances in areas such as new drug approvals, patent law and emerging industry trends.

New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)

Access: UCI

Yes Journal at the intersection of biomedical science and clinical practice.


* What does "Premium" mean?
When the UCI Libraries (or the UC System) sponsor a premium subscription, we negotiate and sign a license directly with the publisher, and we pay a subscription fee.  This enables our users to access news from the publisher's website directly (e.g., without hitting paywalls.  

Healthcare and Biotechnology:  


  • Keyword Search Clinical Trials > Screeners [tab] > Companies in clinical trials.




Healthcare and Biotechnology:  
Health Conditions





More Statistics
Advocacy groups, e.g. the American Heart Association, may collect and report more specific statistics than the US government.  In Google try a sample search like this:  hearing loss association statistics


Healthcare and Biotechnology:  
Facilities and Providers

  • Tools > Data Explorer

**Dataset is powered by the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Provider of Services data files, which contain characteristics of hospitals and other types of healthcare facilities, including the name and address of the facility and the type of Medicare services the facility provides, among other information.





Date includes:

  • Five-year trends for community hospitals, by total U.S., bed size, U.S. Census division, and state.
  • Facilities and services by U.S. Census Division and state.  
  • Community health indicators by U.S. Census Division and Metropolitan Statistics Area with current Fiscal year hospital data.

Current print books are at UCI's Grunigen Medical Library and may be transferred via Interlibrary Loan.  UCI Libraries does not license the AHA electronic database.

Healthcare and Biotechnology:  
Costs and Expenditures









See Also

Want more local information? Visit the Orange County and California page. It includes a Healthcare tab.  

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