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Access requires an active UCInetID and password.
Authorized Affiliates are people with an active UCInetID and password, i.e., current UC Irvine students and employees.
These resources are not licensed by the UC Irvine Libraries, but librarians occasionally promote them when they are relevant for certain types of research.
Access is available only for Authorized Affiliates, who are also affiliated with the Paul Merage School of Business.
The resources are limited to select UC Irvine populations, based on a person’s status, e.g., current UC Irvine Faculty or PhD students. Please refer to the UC Irvine Libraries for access instructions.
Examples for why content may be limited include: a vendor set restrictions on who may access their information; alternatively, information may be sensitive, identifying, or embargoed.
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How do I access the UC Irvine network?
- Students
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what I access?
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Business and economic resources (especially commercial databases) may lack stable URLs that you can use in a citation.
Source Type | Example Citation(s) |
Industry / Market Research Reports |
Known Author or Analyst:
Unknown Author:
Company Profiles |
Standard & Poor's. (n.d.). Netflix, Inc. [Company profile]. Capital IQ. https://www.capitaliq.com/CIQDotNet/company.aspx?companyId=32012
List of Companies |
Since this source would have no official title, put in [square brackets] a narrative description of the criteria that's included in the list. PitchBook Data. (n.d.). [List of VC-backed biotechnology companies in California with a minimum revenue of $10 million, as of 9/30/2023]. https://my.pitchbook.com
News Article |
Ansberry, C. (2020, August 31). An Alzheimer’s quest: Enrolling more black people in clinical trials. The Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/an-alzheimers-quest-enrolling-more-black-people-in-clinical-trials-11598891561
Journal Article |
Galloway, M. K., Callin, P., James, S., Vimegnon, H., & McCall, L. (2019). Culturally responsive, antiracist, or anti-oppressive? How language matters for school change efforts. Equity & Excellence in Education, 52(4), 485–501. https://doi.org/10.1080/10665684.2019.1691959
Book |
Kendi, I.X. (2019). How to be an antiracist. Random House Publishing Group.
Podcast |
Thomas, T. (2019, September 23). The short stacks 22: Ibram X. Kendi//How to be an antiracist [Audio podcast]. The Stacks. https://thestackspodcast.com/2019/09/22/ss22/
There's a guide for that!
For more detailed information about Bibliographic Management Software and a more detailed comparison different BMS options,
visit our Bibliographic Management Software Guide.
Zotero | Mendeley | EndNote Basic | |
URL | zotero.org | mendeley.com | https://access.clarivate.com/login?app=endnote |
Cost | Free (open source) - up to 300 MB of cloud storage. Storage can be upgraded for a monthly fee | Free - up to 2 GB of cloud storage. Storage can be upgraded for a monthly fee | Free - up to 50,000 references. Storage can be upgraded if full version of EndNote is purchased. |
Type |
Desktop software (Linux, Mac, and Windows) Browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari |
Desktop software (Linux, Mac, and Windows) Browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox |
Web browser only |
Tutorials |
Training Resources & Online Videos |
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Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.