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Washington Post

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Access Answers

What can I access? 

Access is generally available to all users. Registration or account creation might be required to access.

For commercial websites, the UCI Libraries do not offer premium memberships or subscriptions.


Access is available to all users ON the UCI campus and at GML.

OFF campus access requires Authorized Affiliates to log into the VPN with their active UCInetID and password. Authorized Affiliates are users with an active UCInetID and password, i.e. current UCI students, faculty, and staff.


Access requires an active UCInetID and password.

Authorized Affiliates are users with an active UCInetID and password, i.e. current UCI students, faculty, and staff.


These resources are not licensed by the UCI Libraries, but librarians occasionally promote them when they are relevant for certain types of research.

Access is available only for Authorized Affiliates, who are also affiliated with the Paul Merage School of Business.


The resources are limited to select UCI populations, based on the user’s status, e.g. current UCI Faculty or PhD students. Please refer to the UCI Libraries for access instructions.

Examples for why content may be limited include: a vendor set restrictions on who may access their information; alternatively, information may be sensitive, identifying, or embargoed;


Am I on the UCI network?
Test my UCI connection.

How do I access the UCI network? 
-  Students
-  Employees
-  Alumni
-  Visitors

Am I responsibly using
what I access?

Typically acceptable vs. unacceptable use.

Washington Post


 Washington Post logo and motto- democracy dies in darkness 


The UCI Libraries offer campus-wide access to The Washington Post, a source for expert reporting and analysis from Washington and around the world, including award-winning investigate coverage and editorial commentary.


How can I directly access the Washington Post?

You have two options, explained below.  

Option 1: Be on UCI's network.

  • Simply visit when you're connected to UCI's network, no account activation required.  (Test my UCI connection).

    To be on the UCI network, you must either be ON the UCI campus, or you must use the VPN (Group > UCIFull) from OFF campus.  OFF campus access is limited to current UCI Affiliates (i.e., current students, faculty, and staff with an active UCInetID and password).  
  • You'll most likely still see "subscribe now" button and banners. Just ignore them.


Option 2: Activate your Washington Post account.

  • With an account you can also read on the mobile app.  
    1. Visit the Washing Post Sign up page. 
    2. Enter your @UCI email address, agree to the Terms of Service, and click on Continue.
    3. Choose a password and click on Create an account.
    4. An verification email will go to your @uci email address.  
    5. After you verify, on the Washington Post page follow these links:
      [Your Name] > My Post > Subscription & Billing
    6. Click the Activate free digital access button
  • [PDF] Account activation guide, with screenshots from Washington Post (April, 2024)



Advanced Searching and Historical Articles


Washington Post (1987 - current)
Access: UCI
The Proquest database offers article (text-only) coverage, and it's useful for advanced text searching.