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This guide supports UCI’s innovation and entrepreneurship community by connecting users to relevant resources used to conduct research.

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Databases for academic articles


BrowZine iconExplore the UCI Libraries' journals with BrowZine!

BrowZine is a current awareness service to help you keep up with the latest research in your field. You can use it on the web, through a mobile app, or both as it syncs your account across all devices. Available to users with an active UCInetID.

Below is a selection of innovation and entrepreneurship-related journals available from the UCI Libraries.

Case studies

Search for cases within a journal using keywords such as: startup or entrepreneur*
(the asterisk will return all variations of the root word entrepreneur, i.e., entrepreneur, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial).

  • To browse cases:
    1. Search "case study" (with quotation marks).
    2. On the results page, use the Formats filter and select Case Studies (under Videos).
  • Note: As of 2024, new case studies are no longer being produced by O'Reilly. Previously published cases remain available.

To protect its revenue, Harvard requires that each person buys a license for any CaseModule, or Curriculum Article they want to read, so the UCI Libraries are prohibited from purchasing and sharing these materials. You must buy your own copy of these materials, or use course packets (if available).

The News tab links to the Harvard Business Review Magazine. Users may freely access magazine articles.