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What can I access? 

Access is generally available to all users. Registration or account creation might be required to access.

For commercial websites, the UCI Libraries do not offer premium memberships or subscriptions.


Access is available to all users ON the UCI campus and at GML.

OFF campus access requires Authorized Affiliates to log into the VPN with their active UCInetID and password. Authorized Affiliates are users with an active UCInetID and password, i.e. current UCI students, faculty, and staff.


Access requires an active UCInetID and password.

Authorized Affiliates are users with an active UCInetID and password, i.e. current UCI students, faculty, and staff.


The resources are limited to select UCI populations, based on the user’s status, e.g. current UCI Faculty or PhD students. Please refer to the UCI Libraries for access instructions.

Examples for why content may be limited include: a vendor set restrictions on who may access their information; alternatively, information may be sensitive, identifying, or embargoed;


Am I on the UCI network?
Test my UCI connection.

How do I access the UCI network? 
-  Students
-  Employees
-  Alumni
-  Visitors

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what I access?

Typically acceptable vs. unacceptable use.


How to navigate this guide:


The links under the RESOURCES menu connect to UCI's economics resources, grouped by type.

The links under the TOPICS menu connect to the best (the most relevant) resources for that topic.  

  • Want spreadsheets of macroeconomic data?  Visit the Datasets page.  
  • Want the Wall Street Journal?  Visit the News page.
  • Want info on companies?  Look under the Finance or the Industries and Companies topics.
  • Popular Topics at UCI covers things like Transportation as well as Public Opinion polling.  

Umm, what?

Economic research can be intimidating!  There's tons of resources and jargon, so look for these helpful pointers on this guide:

  • Explainer tabs (like this one) explain the scary jargon and sometimes offer research advice too.  
  • Learn this search! <  These link to cheat-sheet screenshots that show you how to navigate in a resource for specific info.  

New Resource!

South China Morning Post Yellow and Blue Text Logo
Breaking news!  The UCI Libraries recently subscribed directly to the South China Morning Post.  SCMP is a leading news media company that has reported on China and Asia for more than a century with global impact. Founded in 1903, SCMP is headquartered in Hong Kong, where it is the city’s newspaper of record. Its teams span across Asia and the United States, working together to connect with news consumers around the world. (About)

  • Access: you must connect to UCI’s network from off campus through the VPN, or you must be on the UCI campus.  
  • Fine print: This academic subscription does not include: 1) individual accounts with mobile app access; 2) SCMP Plus content.

We also have premium subscriptions to other prominent titles including FT, NYT, Nikkei Asia, WSJ, and WaPo.  See News for more info.



Annette Buckley's picture

Annette Buckley [she/her]
(My name pronunciation)
Business & Economics Librarian  (949) 824 - 0360

Due to question volume, my response
time may be about 48 business hours.

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