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Transportation Databases


Access: UCI

Geography: Global

1 user at a time; try later if refused.  An index that combines the following databases: Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS), International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD) from OECD; and TRANSDOC from ECMT.  A comprehensive source of international air and surface (road, rail, and marine) transportation information, from 1968 to the present. Records are from research reports, books, articles from journals and reviews, theses, standards, specifications, conference proceedings, etc. 


OECD iLibrary
Access: UCI

Geography: Global

Features a theme of "Transport," which includes books, statistical indicators, and papers. 


Urban Studies Abstracts
Access: UCI

Geography: Global

Thousands of bibliographic entries of key relevance to the discipline including urban affairs, community development and urban history.


Access: Public

Geography: Global

TRID (Transport Research International Documentation) is a massive bibliographic resource on transportation research information, produced and maintained by several US and international governmental organizations.  TRID covers all modes and disciplines in the field of transportation research.  TRID does not contain information on vehicle standards and specifications, patent information, market research, or military transport.


Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Access: Public

Geography: US

A statistical agency within the US Department of Transportation that focuses on compiling, analyzing, and publishing a comprehensive set of transportation statistics.

Transportation Publications


Access: UCI

Geography: Global
Peer reviewed journal that focuses on issues of relevance to the formulation of policy, the preparation and evaluation of plans, and the day-to-day operational management of transport systems, including policies and systems themselves, as well as with their impacts on and relationships with other aspects of the social, economic and physical environment.


Transportation Research Record
Access: UCI

Geography: Global
Peer reviewed journal of the Transportation Research Board.  Promotes innovation and progress in transportation through research.  TRB publishes approximately 70 volumes of the TRR Journal per year, containing 900+ papers grouped by subject. 


Transportation Research. Part A: Policy and Practice
Access: UCI

Geography: Global
Peer reviewed journal that publishes papers of general interest in all passenger and freight transportation modes, including interaction with the political, socioeconomic and physical environment; Topics are approached from any discipline or perspective, including economics. 


Transportation Research. Part B: Methodological
Access: UCI

Geography: Global
Peer reviewed journal that publishes papers on all methodological aspects of the subject, particularly those that require mathematical analysis.


Journal of Transport Geography
Access: UCI

Geography: Global
Peer reviewed journal focusing on the geographical dimensions of transport, travel and mobility, including the role of transport and mobility in the globalisation of economies and trade.


Economics of Transportation
Access: UCI

Geography: Global
Peer reviewed journal that publishes papers that contribute to transportation economics, and that research the interaction between transportation and other economic activities; papers that seek to promote cross fertilization with other fields of economics including labor, trade, urban economics, and industrial organization; and papers on timely policy issues relating to transportation.

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