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Make A List of Companies
To make a list of companies in an industry, you'll typically need an industry code. These are often NAICS codes. |
Mergent Intellect
Access: UCI
Geography: Global
Public and private company information (as available) for companies worldwide. Advanced Search allows for creating a custom Excel spreadsheet of companies based on criteria like industry, location, size, etc. Mergent Intellect replaces Hoovers Pro. Data for both Mergent & Hoovers comes from Dun & Bradstreet (D&B).
Access: UCI - Authorized Affiliates
Geography: US & Global
Especially useful for finding up-and-coming companies in emerging industries. Data and research covering the private investment market, including venture capital, private equity, and M&A transactions. Information on companies, deals, investors, and funds.
CB Insights
Access: UCI - Authorized Affiliates
Geography: US & Global
Global data and information about the financing activities of startup companies and investors, including venture capital firms, angel investors, as well as M&A and IPO activity. Specializing in emerging industries, the database also offers data-driven research reports, performance metrics related to company health, and data visualization and presentation tools.
Access: UCI
Geography: Global
A global directory in which every company within the database has at least one foreign subsidiary. Finds both US firms operating in foreign countries, and foreign firms operating in the US. Searchable on criteria including: industry, employee count, revenue, etc. Uniworld also features a "career postings" search option, which is a yes/no indicator that the company has a link on its own website for its own career opportunities.
S&P Capital IQ
Access: UCI - Authorized Affiliates
Geography: Global
An advanced and comprehensive company intelligence database, offering granular financial and capital structure information on millions of companies worldwide.
GuideStar specializes in nonprofit company intelligence. Its covers 2.7 million nonprofits and it features: Current financial data, IRS forms, and visualizations of financial trends for nonprofits. A directory to search for nonprofits by size, cause, and location. A directory to search for people in leadership roles at nonprofits.
Get Popular Lists* of Companies
Orange County Business Journal: Book of Lists
Access: UCI
Geography: OC
This supplement is a compilation of all company lists published by OCBJ during the previous year. It usually comes out each January.
Business Source Complete
Access: UCI
Geography: Global
This database includes Fortune Magazine. This custom url finds the issues with Largest U.S. Corporations in the title, i.e. what Fortune officially calls its Fortune 500 list.
S&P Capital IQ
Access: UCI - Authorized Affiliates
Geography: Global
A comprehensive company intelligence database, offering granular financial, executive, and activity information on millions of companies worldwide.
Accounting Today
Located within the Business Source Complete database, it produces an annual spreadsheet of the Top 100 Firms, with basic data on Revenue, Personnel, and Fee Splits.
*There are dozens of company lists, produced by many different entities.
This page only points to a select few of the most requested/relevant lists for the UCI community.
The INSEAD Libraries has an excellent compilation of many additional lists.
What are NAICS and SIC codes, and how can they help me?
U.S. Industries (and therefore the companies operating in those industries) are commonly classified according to two codes:
NAICS = North American Industry Classification System
SIC = Standard Industry Classification
Key Points:
How do I find NAICS or SIC codes?
By Industry:
Visit the NAICS or SIC websites to search or browse for any code(s).
By Company:
Use the Mergent Intellect database to find a known company, e.g. General Electric (GE), to see the codes listed on that company's landing page.
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