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Historical Company Information
International Directory of Company Histories
Access: UCI
Geography: Global
eBook series. Provides histories of companies that are a leading influence in a particular industry or geographic location. Use the Search Within Series box to type in a company name. (Preformatted citations are available at the end of each report.)
Mergent Archives- Moody's Manuals
Access: UCI
Geography: Global
PDF image scans of all Moody's Manuals, starting with the first manuals published in 1909. The manuals cover company financials not available in Compustat, which has no financials before 1950 and incomplete coverage between 1950 and 1962.
Mergent Archives- Annual Reports
Access: UCI
Geography: Global
Offers more than 1,000,000 documents covering over 100 years dating back to 1844.
USA—Over 370,000 documents | Canada—Over 150,000 documents | International—Over 500,000 documents
UCI Libraries Catalog: Advanced Search
Geography: Global
Books are often written about the history of well-known companies. These books are discoverable in the UCI Libraries catalog. Search for the company name in the Subject field.
Historical Newspapers
Geography: Global
News is often one of the best sources of information about historical companies.
Access: Public
Geography: US
5+ million records describing archival materials, bringing together information about historical documents, personal papers, family histories, and more. With over 1,000 different archival institutions represented, ArchiveGrid helps researchers looking for primary source materials held in archives, libraries, museums and historical societies.
Historical Company Datasets
S&P Capital IQ
Access: UCI - Authorized Affiliates
Geography: Global
A comprehensive company intelligence database, offering granular financial and capital structure information on millions of publicly traded companies worldwide, including data and graphs for historic stock prices, adjusted for stock splits.
ReferenceUSA Historical Data
Access: UCI - Authorized Affiliates
Geography: US
Datasets consisting of annual snapshots of historic company data from Infogroup's U.S. Business Database. Includes company name, mailing address, SIC and NAICS codes, employee size, sales volume, and location (to zip code). Data is back to 1997.
Corporate Affiliations Historical Data
Access: UCI - Authorized Affiliates
Geography: Global (limited)
Historical hierarchies and profiles of over 1.9 million of the most prominent parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and divisions worldwide. Data is back to 1993. To request access to the data, please email the UCI Business & Economics Librarian, Annette Buckley.
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Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.