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Economic Indicators

Economic Indicators: United States




  • Access all data from the Conference Board Homepage >> Economic Datasets >> "Historical data for key economic indicators"







  • Topics:  Population, Work and Welfare, Economic Structure and Performance, Economic Sectors, and Governance and International Relations.

Economic Indicators: Global


  • Click on "Log in Anonymously" for immediate access to GFD; creating an account is optional.










Economic Indicators: California and Orange County

  • Profiles cover housing, transportation, employment, retail, education, and health. 






What are indicators?

They are statistics about economic development or human welfare in a region, often presented as time series data, i.e. data for the same variable captured at different times, usually at a regular frequency, e.g. weekly, monthly, annually. 

Common Economic Indicators Common Social Indicators
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), output by sectors, private consumption, retail sales volume, employment, unemployment, average earnings, investment, productivity, inflation, producer input and output prices, current account, volume of trade in goods and services, exports, imports, public debt, and interest rates. Adult literacy, education expenditure, fertility rate, household income and time use, infant mortality, life expectancy, incidence of antisocial behaviour and criminal offences, income inequality, poverty rate, proportions of urban and rural population, social security expenditure, unemployment, voter turnout, and water and air quality.

Source: A Dictionary of Economics

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