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Public Opinion and Consumer Polling
Gallup Analytics
Access: UCI (one user at a time)
Geography: Global
Aggregate data is available for:
Microdata is available for the ongoing Gallup Poll Social Series (GPSS), a set of public opinion surveys designed to monitor U.S. adults' views on numerous social, economic, and political topics. Introduced in 2001, the GPSS is the primary method Gallup uses to update several hundred long-term Gallup trend questions, some dating back to the 1930s. The series also includes many newer questions added to address contemporary issues as they emerge.
Roper iPoll
Access: UCI
Geography: Global
Provided by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at Cornell University. Poll data from1935 to present. Contains data from US and international polling firms with broad topical coverage of opinions and behavior on social issues, politics, pop culture, international affairs, and more. Questions, charts, demographic crosstabs, and dataset downloads are available.
Polling the Nations
Access: UCI
Geography: Global
Database of public opinion polls containing the full text of hundreds of thousands of questions and responses from thousands of surveys conducted in the U.S. and 80 other countries. Only polls using statistically valid sampling and methods are indexed. Each question is individually indexed in one of more than 4,500 topics and six search fields Results may be downloaded or printed. Includes survey data from many organizations including Harris Poll and YouGov.
The Conference Board
Access: UCI
Geography: Global
Produces the Consumer Confidence Index® (CCI), The Conference Board Leading Economic Index® (LEI), The Conference Board Employment Trends Index™ (ETI), and The Conference Board and PwC Measure of CEO Confidence™
Surveys of Consumers
Access: Public
Geography: US
Conducted by the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan, on a monthly basis. Data is available going back several decades. The core questions cover three broad areas of consumer sentiment: personal finances, business conditions, and buying conditions.
The Pew Research Center
Access: Public
Geography: US
Non partisan think tank that produces reports based on its own public opinion polling. The American Trends Panel (ATP), created by the Pew Research Center, is a nationally representative panel of randomly selected U.S. adults recruited from landline and cell phone random digit dial surveys. Sign up for a free account to download data.
Off-campus? Please use the Software VPN and choose the group UCIFull to access licensed content. For more information, please Click here
Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.