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Thesis / Dissertation Formatting Manual (2024)

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Title Page

Your Title Page should include:

  • Author's name
    • This does not have to be name listed with the UCI Registrar's Office. However, it should match the name you are using when you submit your thesis in ProQuest. 
  • Degree earned
    • Use official title and wording provided by the UCI Registrar's office. Be aware that your degree title may be different from the title of your major (e.g. your major may be "Neurobiology and Behavior," but you are earning a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences)
  • Full name and rank of each committee member 
    • e.g., use "Associate Professor Peter Anteater" and not "Prof. Anteater, PhD," etc.
    • Designate which committee member is your chair (or list co-chairs if there are multiple chairs).
  • Title of your dissertation or thesis
    • Use word substitutes, not symbols or formulas, to ensure effective retrieval from online indexes.
  • Year 
    • This must correspond to the year in which your degree will be conferred

Do not use any stylized fonts, different font weights/colors/sizes, or images on the Title Page. 

Title Page example

Your Title Page must conform to specific standards. This is an example of what it should look like (from the templates):

Screenshot of dissertation title page formatting.