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Thesis / Dissertation Formatting Manual (2024)

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Acknowledgments Page

The Acknowledgments Page is a required page. The following information is also required, if applicable:

  • You must acknowledge grants and other funding assistance; include grant numbers if applicable (e.g., U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Award # 0123456).
    • Please list all grant funding in a separate paragraph from your other acknowledgments. 
  • If you have used copyrighted material of your own or others (e.g. if chapters of your thesis or dissertation were previously published elsewhere), you must include a statement to inform the reader that permission has been granted and state the source of the permission.
    • Include in this statement:
      • the full citation of the previously published material
      • a statement of permission from the publisher to reprint (if you determine that your reuse of previously published material qualifies as fair use, you may omit this statement)
      • information about coauthors, including special mention of those who directed and supervised research which serves as the basis of the thesis/dissertation


The text of this [thesis / dissertation] is [a reprint /  an adaptation] of the material as it appears in [full bibliographic citation], used with permission from [full name of publisher]. The coauthors listed in this publication are [list full names of all coauthors (you may also include their roles)][Coauthor Name] directed and supervised research which forms the basis for the [thesis / dissertation].

See Using Previously Published Materials for more information.  

The following information is optional:

  • You may also acknowledge the contributions of professors and friends.

Acknowledgments Page example

Below is an annotated example of an Acknowledgments page from the Template. You must acknowledge any previously published work, as well as any grants or funding received to conduct this research.

Screenshot of dissertation acknowledgments page formatting.