Your manuscript must be neat, clean, legible, and error-free when it is submitted, whether in paper or electronically (ETD). Spell-check and manually proofread your text prior to submission.
All electronically submitted theses and dissertations must comply with the ProQuest ETD submission requirements. These requirements form the basis of the UCI Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Manual.
Please keep in mind that your thesis/dissertation is part of your individual permanent academic record. It is also part of the permanent record of scholarship and research undertaken by all graduate student graduates of UCI, and it will be permanently accessible to the worldwide community of scholars.
The manuscript that the UCI Libraries approves is considered final; any errors you may discover after the Libraries accepts it cannot be corrected.
Manuscripts are normally composed of two sections:
Preliminary Pages require very specific wording, spacing, and layout, and MUST appear in this order:
The text and references comprise the body of your thesis or dissertation. The content and style is determined by your committee and field of study. Typical elements include:
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