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Thesis / Dissertation Formatting Manual (2024)

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How to acknowledge use of material by other authors

Permission Letter from Copyright Holder

You must supply a permission letter from the copyright holder (usually the publisher) of any published material used in your manuscript (excluding material covered by "fair use"). The letter, which must state that the copyright owner is aware that “ProQuest may supply single copies on demand,” must be submitted as a "Copyright Permission" document along with your manuscript when you submit via the ETD system or on paper.


Acknowledgments Page

Include a statement on the acknowledgments page informing the reader that permission to use copyrighted material in your manuscript has been granted and stating the source of the permission.


Including Material Not Yet Published

If material is approved for submission which is authored by someone other than yourself (including coauthors), and the material has not yet been formally published, you must submit a permission letter from the author(s) and include a statement in your Acknowledgments Page.