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Thesis / Dissertation Formatting Manual (2024)

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Preliminary pages

The Preliminary Pages require very specific wording, spacing, and layout. Templates and sample pages are provided for your reference.

Only the pages listed below may be included as part of the Preliminary Pages section, and they must appear in this order. No other pages are permitted. All pages are required except the Dedication Page. Lists of Symbols, Tables, Figures, and Illustrations are only required if applicable to the content of your manuscript. 

Note: A Signature Page is NOT a valid part of your manuscript and is not included in the submission of your thesis or dissertation. Committee signatures are now included on the “Ph.D. Form II/Signature Page” or the “Master’s Thesis/Signature Page” that you submit to the Graduate Division. 

Preliminary pages order

Your Preliminary Pages must appear in this order:
  1. Title Page (no page number)
  2. Copyright Page (no page number)
  3. Dedication Page (optional, page number ii if included)
  4. Table of Contents (if Dedication Page is included, Table of Contents is page iii. If no Dedication, Table of Contents is page ii)
  5. List(s) of Figures/Illustrations/Formulae/Terms/etc. (required, if applicable. Each new list should begin on a new page)
  6. Acknowledgments (alt. spelling: Acknowledgements)
  7. Vita (PhD dissertations ONLY. Should not be more than 3 pages)
  8. Abstract

Pagination - preliminary pages

Preliminary Pages are numbered with lowercase Roman numerals.

  • Do not number your Title or Copyright Pages.
    • The Title Page is counted in determining the total number of pages in this section but is NOT numbered.
    • The Copyright Page is not counted or numbered.
  • Numbering begins with Roman numeral ii.
    • Your first numbered page will either be your Dedication Page if you have one, or your Table of Contents if you do not have a Dedication Page.
    • There is no page i in the manuscript. 
  • The subsequent pages are then numbered consecutively with lowercase Roman numerals through the end of the Abstract.
  • Dashes, periods, underlining, letter suffixes, other text (including last names), and other stylizations are not permitted before, after, or under your page numbers.