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Thesis / Dissertation Formatting Manual (2024)

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Acknowledgements Page

The Acknowledgements page is a required page. The following information is also required, if applicable:

  • You must acknowledge grants and other funding assistance (e.g. NSF grants, with grant number)
  • If you have used copyrighted material of your own or others (e.g. if chapters of your thesis or dissertation were previously published elsewhere), you must include a statement to inform the reader that permission has been granted and state the source of the permission.
    • Include the citation of the previously published material (the originally published title and the name of the publication), permissions to reprint if required, and information about co-authors. 
      • Example: The text of this thesis/dissertation is a reprint of the material as it appears in (include bibliographic citation), used with permission from ____. The co-authors listed in this publication are ___ [you can include their roles, or at least spell out their names if using a citation style that abbreviates names].
    • See for more information.  

The following information is optional:

  • You may also acknowledge the contributions of professors and friends.

Acknowledgements Page Example

Below is an annotated example of an Acknowledgements page from the Template. It highlights a section that acknowledges previous publications and funding.