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UC Irvine Chemistry has 44 faculty members, 215 graduate students, 50 postdoctoral fellows, and provide internationally-recognized programs in a friendly, informal setting; our annual research funding exceeds $10 million dollars.

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Fall Graduate Orientation

Library Structure – Langson (Humanities/Social Science/Arts), Science Library  (Life & Physical Science/Engineering/Medicine), GML (Clinical Medicine)

Library Card – your UCI ID needs to be activated; best done after Oct.3 but can be done earlier

CampusGroups mobile app under ID card (more info at

Loan periods – 90 days for books, 2 hour reserves, 7 days for media (DVD, VHS)

UC Library Search (Combined Library Catalog for ten UC Campuses)

eScholarship - UC systemwide institutional repository - Faculty papers, eJournals

ORCiD - register for new iD or update your record

Searching and linking to full-text

Connect From Off-Campus – VPN and Remote Work

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) – Library Search

Chemistry searching web interfaces

                SciFinder Scholar (must register for new accounts)

                Reaxys (individual accounts for saving search results, reaction scenarios)

Subject Guides and Databases

                Databases – Web of Science *, BIOSIS Previews *, Compendex *,  Crystallography, SciFinder-n *

Journals – RCS journals *, ACS Journals *

E-Books – Knovel *, Overdrive *

Free Online Newspaper accounts:  New York Times       Wall Street Journal

Bibliographic Software – EndNote; EndNoteWeb; Mendeley, Zotero; Google Scholar Citations

Course reserves – teaching and for students

Open Access and Scholarly Communications - UC Systemwide Policy and eScholarship

Selection decisions – purchasing for the collections

Tour of Science Library

Carpentry Courses

DPDS Programming Workshops

Software Carpentry Workshop: Unix, Git, and Python

Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. The course is aimed at graduate students and other researchers. You don't need to have any previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented at the workshop.

LibGuide - Software for Data Analysis

Wait, did you say free stuff?  


The UCI Libraries are here to help current UCI Affiliates* kick off the academic year with amazing
free resources to enable your procrastination research:  

  • Meme of Oprah saying everyone gets free stuffPremium Newspapers
    For when you need the latest news anywhere, including your mobile device, take
    advantage of our premium subscriptions:  
    • Wall Street Journal
    • New York Times
    • Financial Times
  • Popular and recreational eBooks
    For when you're tired of textbooks, use our OverDrive account for fun books!
    wink emoji  (Don't worry, we won't tell your professors!) 
  • Seriously good films
    For when you've finally finish binging All The Things(!) across your personal—
    *ahem* there's definitely no password sharing happening here—streaming accounts, pop
    into the Swank database for hundreds of the most popular Hollywood featured films.  

*This means you have a UCInetID; only current UCI students or employees have them.  

Scholarly Communications Coordinator; Research Librarian for Chemistry, Earth System Science, and Russian Studies

Profile Photo
Mitchell Brown
University of California, irvine
The UCI Libraries
P.O. Box 19557
Irvine CA 92623-9557
Office: (949)824-9732
Website Skype Contact:
Social: Twitter Page
Subjects: Chemistry, Russian