Note: Reaxys has been tested using Firefox 3.6 with Java 1.6.11 or higher. If you experience difficulties with the structure editor, please check your Java updates or use Chrome, Firefox, IE or Safari.
With Reaxys you can search Beilstein (Organic), Gmelin (Inorganic and organometallic) and Patent Chemistry databases. Reaxys' search, analysis, and workflow tools are designed around the needs and common tasks of users, including a synthesis planner to design the optimum synthesis route and multistep reactions to identify precursor reactions underlying synthesis of target compounds. Users can filter search results by key properties, synthesis yield, or other ranking criteria.
Reaxys differs from CrossFire Commander in:
1. Presentation of content. Reaxys is based on the combined content of the CrossFire Databases. The data are standardized and harmonized. Substance (reaction) data from all three sources are merged into one substance (reaction) record.
2. Interface. The Commander interface was mainly functionality driven (e.g. sort, group), highly-sophisticared, but not really easy to use. The Reaxys interface is task-driven (e.g. define a reaction query, get reaction results, refine on reaction properties and output into PDF), intuitive to use and provides a streamlined look and feel, making searches easier.
3. Functionality. We have been careful to ensure that all the key functionality that our users value in Commander are carried through to Reaxys, but made much easier to use and more visible. In addition we have taken the opportunity to add improved search, analysis and workflow tools that are designed around the needs of users. These include:
The three databases that comprise Reaxys contain:
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