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eBook Collections

This guide provides a introduction on how to find ebooks at UCI Libraries.

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Book covers available from OverDrive


What is OverDrive?

  • OverDrive is a company that distributes e-content to libraries. UCI Libraries uses it for current "popular and recreational" adult and young adult ebooks and audiobooks.
  • You can read OverDrive books online, download titles to your device via the Libby app, or read on your Kindle or eReader.
  • It is not intended for course readings, textbooks, university press titles, older titles, or juvenile fiction. Due to the fixed layout format, we do not purchase many graphic novels.

What is Libby?

  • Libby is the App you use to access the ebooks we have purchased.

I see OverDrive also offers audio books, magazines, and streaming video. Can I access those formats from UCI Libraries?

  • At this time UCI Libraries only has access to ebooks and a very small collection of audio books in OverDrive. We do not provide access to magazines or streaming video on the Libby App. We do have streaming video from many other providers.

UCI Libraries offers over 4 million books, so why is the OverDrive collection so small?

  • UCI Libraries has only recently acquired this service and we will slowly be adding new titles. Our policy is to buy current, popular, bestseller-type books. Newport Beach and Orange County Public Libraries also has OverDrive and will have a much larger  collection than what UCI Libraries can provide.

Who can access Libby?

  • Any current UCI faculty, student, or staff member can borrow e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive.

How do I get to Libby?

Do I need to create an account?

  • You do not need to create a separate OverDrive account to browse the collection. Your UCInetID and password are sufficient.
    If you use the Libby App (more info below) to download books, you will need to create a username/password. Using the app is the preferred reading/viewing experience.

How do I read these books?

  • Computer or laptop -- read in a web browser or download to Adobe Digital Editions
  • Phone or tablet: download the Libby App
  • Nook
  • eReaders: Use Adobe Digital Editions
  • Kindle ereader: you'll be asked to log into Amazon to send to Kindle.  Not all OverDrive titles are available for Kindle.  Look at the Format information for each title, to see if the Kindle format is available, or use the Kindle tab at the top of the OverDrive platform to limit to titles available in the Kindle format.  
    OverDrive eBooks Format Screenshot
  • Libby is now available to download from the Amazon Appstore. Users with Amazon Fire tablets should download Libby directly from Amazon.

I'm only interested in audiobooks, how to I find them?

  • As stated above, at this time we only have a very small collection of audiobooks.
  • In the Libby App, you can click on "Search" and then "Advanced Search." You will then be able to limit by format. Select "all audiobooks."

How long can I borrow an book?

  • You can select either 7 or 14 days. Materials will be returned automatically. There are no late fees.

How many books can I borrow at one time?

  • You can borrow up to 5 books at once.

How do I renew a book?

  • Before a book is due, you will have the option to renew from your loans page.

How do I place a hold on a book?

  • If a book is checked out by another patron, simply put a hold on the book. You will receive an email when the book is available. You may place a hold on up to 5 books at a time.

What is the Privacy Policy, i.e. do they store my data?


The Libby App is a free product that allows you to download and read ebooks from your OverDrive Digital Library.

Libby's minimum iOS version is now iOS 10. See more here:

Watch: Explore the Libby App 


Need More Help?

Instruction on transitioning from OverDrive app (no longer supported)

Attend a webinar on Getting Started with Libby (usually offered once a month)


  1. Download the App from your preferred App Store.
  2. You will be prompted to add your library (University of California Irvine)
  3. You will get these messages:
    1. Let's add a library card for UCI. Enter Library Account.
    2. At this library, you sign into your card via a secure website. We'll open this site for you now.
    3. Libby wants to use to Sign in. Continue.
  4. You are then taken to a page to enter in your UCInetID and Password.
  5. You will get an image of a generic library card that you can rename if you want.
  6. You now have access to UCI Libraries ebook content in OverDrive.