There are several assignments that you will complete to satisfactorily pass this course. They require you to gain familiarity with many different types of resources that are the foundation of the biomedical literature. Read each assignment carefully and you will likely be engaged in working on multiple assignments at once. You will want to stay focused and consider how you can use resources for different purposes and assignments. You will be engaged in a lot of research and writing. Remember where you find information and cite it properly by following a Style Manual and track how you found it in case you need to revisit the source.
There is a box for each separate assignment to direct you to specific resources and methods to successfully address and complete the work.
Group Assignment 1 - Cardiovascular Disease Report - explore key diagnostic and therapeutic needs for Ischemic cardiomyopathy, Arrhythmias or rhythm disorders or Aortic aneurysm
Group Assignment 2 - Medical Devices & Tissue-Engineered Products - patent application on a device technology
Group Assignment 3 - Development of Business Plan for Tissue Engineering & Medical Device Products
Individual Assignment 1 - Essay - Why do I want to be a biomedical engineer?
Individual Assignments 2-3 - Problem sets
Questions for Guest speakers
Again, please contact the Engineering Librarian if you have any questions.
Cancer Diagostics - A
Tissue Engineering - B
Global Health Technologies - point-of-care tools/technologies - C
Following are hints for the project:
- incidence and impact statistics - background, population demographics, mortality, # of cases
- relevant biological and anatomical features related to malignancy - medical, physiological, anatomical, biological
- how are malignancies detected? - symptoms, diagnostics, biopsies, scans, etc
- how are they treated? - therapies & treatments, drug interventions, chemo cocktail, radiation, surgeries, rehabilitation
- what are the critical needs going forward? - clinical trials, stem cell therapies, new & emerging research directions
Research background of specific diagnostic - remember that in the clinical cancer literature, neoplasm is used instead of cancer
Consider age factors, predisposition, family health history, external & environmental factors
Develop chronology
Consider form of cancer, history of patient attributes, legitimate & bonafide treatments
Examine technologies - find short films on YouTube; images (on the Subject Guide under Finding Images or Medical Images)
Sources - you should examine:
Citing your sources - this may be a bit complicated depending on what the source is and in what format it was that you consulted. For journal articles, the format is:
Author(s). Title of article. Source (Title of Publication) volume # (issue #), pages, (date).
If you do not have all these elements and it was an online article, enter the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) which is a unique number corresponding to the article. Do not use the URL except for a website.
This assignment expects you to write an essay about why you want to be a biomedical engineer? Why did you choose this major? You may want to conduct a literature review of an aspect of the History of Biomedical Engineering and summarize it in an essay or consult some of the demographic data about the current economics. The Whitaker Foundation that was in operation from 1975 and helped establish many biomedical engineering programs including this one at UCI closed in 2006. In addition to reviewing content referenced on the "Background" tab, you may find it helpful to consider the following resources:
There are 2 different problem sets:
1. Problem Solving and Design in Engineering - Homework #1 - due November 29
2. Bioethics and Getting Started with Research - Homework #2 - due December 5
In order to write a detailed lecture report, you may want to find out more about the speaker and the companies with which they have been affiliated and then pick up a thread and develop that for your report. Finding information about the Guest Speakers and their topic of influence, industry sector and weekly reading can be done in several ways. These resources will be helpful:
1. Biographical information and sources -
2. Newspaper Sources - reviewing business sections of local, regional, national newspapers and professional trade newsletters and sources will be helpful. Some hints: local newspapers all have a business section - consult indexing sources instead of just the current edition of the paper because the archive is usually not included - for instance the Orange County Register or the Los Angeles Times only have a week available for free - use the links noted on the Subject Guide for specific access to current and archival editions - remember that the LA Times has many editions (7 in total) as does the Wall Street Journal - we get the west coast edition. Consulting the following sources is recommended:
3. Corporate Directories - these often give background on corporate executives, founders and lead people in the organization - consult the following sources
4. Additional Research - you may want to consult the reference resources on the "Recommended Resources" tab on this Subject Guide to learn about specific information needs you may have.
Things you will want to do:
1. Convene group - establish a "team leader" and confirm topic; everyone will conduct research for each project and have special tasks associated with the role that they take on which should be different in each project
2. Break down assignment so that everyone has tasks -some ideas for divisions may include elements of the following outline - this is usually for 4-5 persons and can be adjusted to include more or fewer people in group:
a. basic research
b. consider the final written report - establish common voice
c. consider the presentation - find relevant images
3. Have group schedule meeting with Librarian to review relevant sources - there will be at least 2 group meetings on Zoom for each topic in each project - it is best if the entire group can attend the same session - if your group can not attend together then schedule a time to review the session so everyone is on the same page;
4. Communicate often by eMail about progress
5. Share research findings widely
6. Meet regularly
7. When planning the presentation, review personalities so a very quiet personality does not follow a very charismatic speaker if possible; schedule a time to rehearse the presentation in the Presentation Studio
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