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BME 1 Winter Quarter 2025

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Pending Deadlines

There are 3 deadlines for this assignment:

  1. each group to decide which device topic will pursue and what each member's role will be - by Thursday, November 21
  2. submit Progress Report/Summary in form of introducing your company, and and the device design that it will produce by Tuesday, December 3.  Outline of this submission is:
  • Title Page - Company name/information and product name - something catching that reflects what product is or does - something memorable & likely to promote sales
  • your management team
  • Summary - 2 pages
    • Paragraph 1 - Incidence of use and importance of having this device or product
    • Paragraph 2 - Competitive landscape - what else is available in the marketplace that tries to perform the functions you identify
    • Paragraph 3 - Design - functional and operational details of product; innovativeness - what makes it unique or standout
    • Paragraph 4 - Prototyping, testing, fabricating, manufacturing, distribution, sales
    • Paragraph 5 - IP Plans and regulatory process
  • Product schematic - 1 page with description of features
  • References - 1 page - does not require annotations; just insert in APA format

3. Presentation - Tues, 12/10 - 10:30-12;30PM - slide deck to be uploaded to Canvas - 15 min time lime limit including 1-2 minutes for questions - suggest no more than 10 substantive slides plus cover slide

  • Executive summary - introductory information about the company; employees and jobs (by Leader)
  • Market analysis - goals, customers, innovation (by Marketing Director)
  • Product description
    • Product design, prototyping and testing (by R&D Engineer)
    • Manufacturing (by Manufacturing Director)
    • FDA Pathway & IP Plans - (by Regulatory / IP Director)
  • Summary - by Editor


FDA Pathways for the Device Development Process

Grading Rubric for Presentation

The grades for content and slide will be shared by th4e group as a whole, but the speaking portion of the grade will be on an individual basis.  Practicing presentation individually and by group is recommended - use the Presentation Studio to record and review presentation to detect flaws & see what audience will observe.

Grading -

  • 60 % for content of presentation
  • 20% for effectiveness of prepared slides
  • 10% for effectiveness of speaking
  • 10% for a peer evaluation

Project 3 - Developing Tissue Engineering & Medical Device Products: A Business Plan

This project has 3 deliverables each group has to submit:

  1. Focus Meeting Data Submission due Thurs.,11/21
  2. Project Summary - due Tues, 12/3
  3. Presentation - due Thurs, 12/10 - 10:30-12:30 - slide-deck to be uploaded to Canvas by 10:30am

What is the difference between the Business Plan and the Pitch?  The second deliverable or the  Written Document due on 12/3 is a shortened or summarized version of a business plan.  That submission should provide specific details of what that comprises in the project 3 prompt.  The pitch is the 15-minute presentation that will be made on 12/10.

Medical Devices and Tissue-Engineered Products - you can choose from the same product you worked on in Project 2 or change:

  1. Tissue-Engineered articular cartilage for regenerating focal cartilage lesions
  2. Tissue-engineered skin for regenerating skin lesions
  3. Heart valve replacement

How close does the proposed medical device have to be to the devices you reviewed in Project 2?

  • In general they should be close, but not the same exact product.  Groups have been asked to come up with new improvements/claims for their products, so there should be some adjustments or new technologies introduced.  However, we are not looking for the students to reinvent things or develop entirely new products.  For example, it might be reasonable to combine MACI with a bone component to address osteochondral defects, adjust the hydrogel composition and cell seeding so it can be used to treat meniscus tears, or infuse it with slow-release growth factors to improve its efficacy.  This example can be applied to thinking about the other two assignment options.


Composition of Group- should choose different role - everyone will conduct research

  1. Leader - keeping everyone one track - data about medical condition, rate of incidence
  2. Editor - edit submission to have one common voice -
  3. Marketing Director - researches target market, describes product's innovation and special features; identifies market audience
  4. R&D Engineer - describes the design and testing of the product
  5. Manufacturing Engineer - develops a strategy for manufacturing and scaling the product; where, how
  6. Regulatory/IP Director - strategizes a plan for bring the product to market through the FDA and protecting any relevant intellectual property issues

It is required that at least 2 members of each group attend one of the 3 information sessions scheduled for each device or product.  That means that those who attend must share notes with the others and make sure everyone is prepared and understands what resources are associated with each task or ask that the session be recorded  All members are encouraged to attend and you can all attend the same session or different ones.  Please contact the Engineering Librarian if these times don't work, and as many as possible are encouraged to come especially if you need help in putting together a business plan..  There are 3 sessions for each product/device.  Please register at least 4 hours in advance.  This week is a very tight schedule and it may not be possible to schedule an alternative time, please try if necessary by sending me an eMail with several times the group can make it and I will confirm and add to the schedule with a zoom link, but it may not be until the following weekend.  Group Appointments are scheduled from Tuesday, November 19- Saturday, November 23 and you will register with your UCI eMail account at

If the above URL does not allow you to click through to sign in, please cut and paste and re-enter in a new browser window. 

The following resources will lend to a thorough research for your 5pp Progress Report and the final presentation:

Research should cover:

  • incidence and impact statistics of the disease - see sources under Project 1 for data collected by CDC
  • relevant biological and anatomical features of normal and diseased cases
  • current clinical treatments and how this device will impact treatments in a positive way
  • what are the general strategies employed for correcting disease- related malfunctions
  • full discussion of how your product will perform and contribute to better health outcomes
  • what materials will be used, how product will be assembled, fabricated, manufactured, distributed, and priced
  • which FDA regulation pathway should be followed. 

Basic Reference Tools - in addition to those listed for Project 2

MedlinePlus - medical encyclopedia

Academic Entrepreneurship for Medical and Health Scientists - the collection chapters included in this eBook compilation from the University of Pennsylvania  that may be most useful are on Medical Device Development, Ideation, IP and Regulation. Recommended chapters:

American Heart Association - information for patients describing heart conditions and recommended treatments; good source for background information - use the tabs marked Conditions or Research to navigate website

Heart Disease and Statistics, 2024 Update published in Circulation, January 25, 2024 with revisions.

Diabetic Foot Ulcer Data, - From American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, 2019

Diabetic Foot: Facts and Figures

International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society (ICRS) Annual Reports


Knee Replacement Data

Facts & Statistics for Sports Injuries - from National Safety Council, 2020

ACL Tear Statistics and Trends, 2022

ACL Tears in the National Football League, 2013-20

Human Wounds and its Burdens - OA Article covers wound care statistics are not always reported; however diabetes related foot ulcers are covered in the literature or in promotional literature, market reports or presentations from the American College of Physicians

ASM Medical Devices Database - has a very strong cardiovascular section including one on medical devices - and covers the development & latest technologies - well illustrated with diagrams; can search under each medical specialty for product or device and click through to FDA Guidance Documents

BCC Research - a database of marketing analyses in the healthcare marketplace; go to Healthcare category and search for device topic

Frost and Sullivan Healthcare -  this group of marketing research reports requires a login using a UCINetID and does not allow for copying except by snipping in the html format.  You will enter your topic, then select the industries along the left side-bar, followed by the deliverables and the region and your search output will indicate the year of the reports retrieved.

Plunkett Research Online - Market research, industry statistics, trends and in-depth analysis of top companies that are included in the major industry coverage of Biotechnology,, Health Care, etc  Click on the "Market Research and Trends" for individual chapters that are updated at least annually and sometimes semi-annually.

Factiva - fulltext content from Business News sources - defaults to most recent 3 months but you can adjust it to longer periods of time and sort it in any way you want.

Statista - A statistics portal that provides access to many data topics and facts from a wide range of sources that can be cited with total source noted.

Instructions: Under the heading "Latest Research", limit the "Market" tab from "Any" to "Healthcare" to view full-text reports. Use the pull-down menu for Type to select Industry wide or Technology driven analyses or Mega Trends or other sources before clicking on Update.  Recommended that you search specific device.

Handbook of Materials for Medical Devices, 2003

Materials Science and Engineering Collection Database - mostly a full-text database of engineering content

Compendex - online version of Engineering Index - will cover medical device literature - use UC eLinks for access to content

Additional sources for business data on Medical Devices are found on the Entrepreneurship Research Guide under "Research by Topic" and then under "Medical Devices" for:

  • Industry/market
  • Competitors
  • Patents
  • health Condictions
  • FDA/Regulatory
  • Reimbursement
  • Standards
  • Pipeline
  • Academic & trade Articles
  • eBooks

Schematics, Animations, Videos

Incorporating some multimedia may be of interest to your audience demonstrating how the device functions, what it look like, etc.

Point-of-Care Resources

These Point-of-Care resources noted below offer insights in medical updates that physicians use when consulting with a patient about a certain condition:


How to deliver a PITCH

Business Plans

On the Entrepreneurship Research Guide, under Business Model Research there are resources listed on Business Plans with a tab for Examples & Templates - check out the different resources and examples that you can adopt.  Find a template that you think refers to your product or device and adopt it to describe your idea.  Providing as much information as possible will be useful to your audience.

In addition, Business Model Canvas Template allows users to explore and identify Key Partners, Key Activities, Value Propositions, Customer Relationships, Customer Segments, Key Resources and Channels, Cost Structure and Revenue Streams.

Using the "Finding & Using Images" may also retrieve some PPT slides or images of your ideas that you can use to illustrate your ideas.  You can click on Google Maps and when you find an image you are interested in using, click on the "Visit" to get the source and be able to cite from where the images are published.

Presentation Studio in MRC

Located in the MRC in the Science Library, the Presentation Studio is available for students & campus affiliates to rehearse individual and group presentations.  Reserve the room when you want to rehearse your presentation - you or your group can record your presentation, replay it to see how the audience will perceive your delivery, and practice it as much as you want perfecting the delivery and increasing your confidence as a public speaker.

Presentation Tools & Guidelines

Books to Help
Clear and Concise Communications for Scientists and Engineers, 2012

Social Media for Engineers and Scientists, 2012

Presentation Skills for Scientists : A Practical Guide, 2010 - Science Library (SL) REF Q223 .Z36 2010

Learning to Communicate in Science and Engineering : Case Studies from MIT, 2010 - Science Library (SL) Bar Q223 .P64 2010

Presenting Science : A Practical Guide to Giving a Good Talk, 2010 - Science Library (SL) REF Q223 .I87 2010

Explaining Research: How to Reach Key Audiences to Advance Your Work, 2010 - Science Library (SL) REF Q223 .M399 2010

Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery - LL  HF5718.22 .R49 2008    

Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations, 2008- Science Library (SL) HF5718.22 D83 2008

A Student's Guide to Presentations Making Your Presentation Count - LL  PN4192.S78 C55 2007 

Speaking About Science: Manual for Creating Clear Presentations, 2006- Science Library (SLBar Q223 M67 2006

Beyond Bullet Points : Using Microsoft® PowerPoint® to Create Presentations That Inform, Motivate, and Inspire, 2005 - LL HF5718.22 .A87 2005 

Presentation Best Practices Tip Sheet

Presentation Best Practice

The following document provides an extensive overview of presentation tools including a descriptions of who can use each tool, and why you might want to use them, the document also includes the pros and cons for each for each tool.


Online Presentation Authoring Tools

  • Prezi- Unique online presentation creation and sharing system with easy image and video handling.  Basic features and public sharing are free
  • Pachyderm- Uses forms and templates to create presentations with minimal work.  Intended for institutional use; requires local server and configuration support.  Free to New Media Consortium members; available for a cost to others.
  • 280Slides (beta)- Free web-based presentation authoring and sharing tool.
  • Google Presentations- Free online presentation authoring and sharing tool.  As part of Google Docs, it allows for easy collaboration and sharing with others who have free Google accounts.
  • Zoho Show- Free online presentation authoring and sharing tool.  Allows remote presentations.
  • SlideRocket - Online presentation authoring and sharing tool optimized for high resolution images.  Basic features are free.
  • PowerPoint - Microsoft Office software for creating and sharing presentations.
  • KeyNote- Apple iWork software for creating and sharing presentations.  Available for Macintosh and iPad only.
  • Impress- Open-source software available in several versions (Open Office, NeoOffice, etc.) for creating and sharing presentations.
  • ARTstor Offline Image Viewer (OIV)- ARTstor-optimized software for creating and sharing presentations. 

Online Presentation Sharing Sites

  • UCI Replay- UCI sponsored service to capture and share audio and screen for instrucation or presentations.
  • Slideshare- Free web-based service that allows uploading and sharing of presentation slides and audio.  Includes tool to sync audio with individual slides.  Has also social features allowing users to follow and comment on favorite presenters, topics, etc.
  • Authorstream- Free web-based service that allows uploading and sharing of presentation slides and audio.  Includes PresentLive feature that lets viewers follow and chat about your live presentations on their own computer. 

Guidelines from UCI:

General Tutorials and Tips:

Streaming Media Guide

Whether for your academic work or for recreation, consider the wide variety of content from feature films to documentaries, shorts, animations, etc that you can stream wherever you are using the VPN.

To create posters, the local options for reprographics include:

To print a poster or to make slides for your work at UCI there are several options about where to go.  First, you should save the poster and size it accordingly.  The following installations are places that will print your poster or help you with digital imaging of slides and other photographic processes:

Science Library, Poster Printing
Posters are printed to fit 36” x 42” on enhanced matte paper.
All posters should be submitted on a USB drive as a PDF file.
Posters are printed within 1-2 business days.
The cost is $50 per poster.
Payment and pick-up happens at the Check Out Desk on the 1st floor of the Science Library and must be paid with a credit/debit card or deposit funds with Venmo, PayPal, or ApplePay, or Print on the go by downloading the Wepa Print app. Available from the App Store or Google Play.

Other Options: