How to set up appointment settings, personal description, and set up questions to ask patrons at the time of booking.
Additional resource:
Optional: How to customize email templates
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Login to LibApps
Appointment Settings:
You can make adjustments to the following: Patron Must Book in Advance - set how many hours/days in advance the appointment must be booked (i.e. 2 hours or more depending on what works for you) Patron Can Cancel Appointment - set how far in advance a patron is able to cancel an appointment (i.e. 0 hours) Patron Booking Window - restrict how far in advance users can book you (i.e. 30 days) Public Nickname - first and last name (list a couple of brief subject specialties) in the following format. EXAMPLE: Nancy Chacon (W39C, Microforms) Friendly URL - option to give your appointment booking page its own customized URL ( i.e. add your first name or subject area similar to your LibGuide) Restrict Bookings by Email Domain(s) - leave blank Directions - adding text to this field will display specific directions (i.e. where to meet in person) and will appear in the following:
EXAMPLE: IN-PERSON appointments will meet at the Science Library (1st Floor near the check-out desk). VIRTUAL (Zoom) appointments will receive a link in the confirmation email. Patron Reminder Email - set time for the system to send a reminder email prior to the session (recommended) Patron Follow Up Email - set time for the system to send a follow-up email after the session (optional) Enable LibAuth - restrict to UCI affiliates (optional)
Click Save |
Appointment Instructions/Description: Adding text here will add an "Info" icon (an "i" in a circle) next to your name on the scheduling page and the text will appear near the top of your scheduling Widget on your LibGuide. Click Save Note: If you add specific directions here (i.e. where to meet in person), they will only show in one place during the time of booking. If you want specific directions to show up in the confirmation and reminder email, it would be easier to add to the "Directions" field. |
Optional Settings to Customize You don't need to touch generic settings/templates unless you desire to make changes. Click Save if you do make a change.
Creating or Updating Booking Forms (Questions to ask Patrons)
LibCal Required questions
Click the edit icon under "Action" near your name. You can add additional questions (multiple choice or free text). Questions can be required or optional. (EXAMPLE) Multiple choice Required for patron to answer:
(EXAMPLE) Multiple choice Required for patron to answer:
Note: Customize this question depending if you are offering VIRTUAL (Zoom) and/or IN-PERSON appointments.
(EXAMPLE) Free text Optional for the patron to answer:
(EXAMPLE) Free text Required for patron to answer:
Appointment Form Question Order
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