To access the backend of LibAnswers go to
Login with your regular LibApps login/password (what you use for LibGuides, Appointments, LibInsight).
To access the Tickets created by patrons or other librarians:
When/Why will an LA assign a ticket to a librarian or functional expert?
Next Best Steps:
If the question may need subject expertise, no matter the status of the patron, the LA will:
Email the appropriate subject specialist/librarian
Ask the following questions
Are you available to answer this question?
Are you the appropriate person to answer this question?
They will usually provide a summary of the question or subject of the question in the email. They may also include the ticket number in the subject line as well as one or two keywords to describe the topic of the question. They may include the URL that links directly to the transcript in LibAnswers
If the librarian says “assign it to me, I’m available”
The LA will assign the ticket.
The LA will Include in the Internal Note information like “Here is the ticket I emailed you about”
If the librarian says “I’m not the best person to answer this question” and they provide another librarian/specialist, the LA will go back to the beginning of the process.
If the LA is not sure who should respond, they will consult with Cynthia (if Cynthia is not available, they may consult with Antoinette or Becky Imamoto or another subject specialist)
If the question is from a UCI faculty member and it doesn’t need a specialist for follow-up (example: VPN, do we own X and we do own it, account information, etc) the LA will:
Answer the question
Close the transcript
Send an internal note to the appropriate librarian, for example:
My internal note text is "This is an FYI that a faculty member in X Department used LibAnswers"
“Just a heads up that a faculty member in the X Department used our Ask a Librarian service."
Do NOT enter these Tickets in the Reference Statistics database. We will use the LibAnswers statistics to determine Reference Statistics.
If you would like to create a personalized Macro for information you often include in responses to patrons (for example, you contact information), here are the instructions:
Why would a librarian be copied on a ticket, or receive an internal note about a ticket, when the LA has already provided an answer? To give librarians opportunities to reach out to faculty who are asking questions about the Libraries and our services/collections through Chat and Email.
Contact Cynthia if you have questions about the process or about the original answer provided by the LA.
Follow the instructions on the Libraries' wiki page to deal with any ticket spam or errors.
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