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a map with a compass on top.Presearching, also known as preliminary, exploratory, novice, or naive searching, is the type of searching you will need to do if you are brand new to a research topic. Presearching helps build necessary context and background information to understand a topic before searching for articles in databases.

How to presearch

Presearching will look different for every researcher, depending on your style. Here are a couple tips on how to get the most out of your presearch:

  • Avoid rabbitholes: you want to cast a wide net while you build context behind your topic.
  • Document: keep a document/spreadsheet/piece of paper to write down relevant keywords and subtopics as you read.
  • Keep an eye on key players: do you notice specific people, organizations, or frameworks that keep coming up? Those may be necessary to dig deeper into later on.

Where to Presearch