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Harp Scores and Books

Sheet Music

M115  –  Anthologies of solo harp music

M116 – Anthologies of music originally for solo harp

M117 – Individual pieces originally for solo harp

M118 – Anthologies of music arranged for solo harp

M119 – Individual pieces arranged for solo harp

M292-293 – Plucked instrument duets (including harp)

M294-295 – Plucked and bowed instrument duets

M296-297 – Plucked and wind instrument duet

M365-369 – Plucked instrument trios

M370-374 – Plucked and bowed instrument trios

M375-379 – Plucked and wind instrument trios

M380-384 – Plucked, wind, and bowed instrument trios


Call numbers between M400-999 follow the pattern established between M365-384.

The first digit indicates the number of performers and the last two the instrumentation.

Example: M375 – First digit is 3, so 3 musicians needed.  Last 2 digits are 75, so instrumentation is harp and wind instrument (any combination). 


M1036 – Harp concertos with orchestra

M1136 – Harp concertos with string orchestra

M1623.4 – Anthologies of secular song with harp accompaniment

M1624.84– Individual secular songs with harp accompaniment

MT543 – Harp teaching pieces (i.e. – etudes)

MT545 – Harp exercises



ML128.H3 – Harp bibliographies

ML1005-1008 – Harp history

MT540-559 – Harp technique


Selected Books of Interest