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Bassoon Scores and Books

M75-79 – Unaccompanied bassoon music

M253-254 – Bassoon and piano music

M288-289 – Two wind instruments

M290-291 – One wind and one bowed instrument

M296-297 – One wind and one plucked instrument

M315-319 – Piano and two wind instruments

M335-339 – Three wind instruments

M357.2 – Three woodwind instruments

M360-364 – Three stringed and wind instruments

M375-379 – Three wind and plucked instruments


Call numbers between M400-999 follow the pattern established between M300-399.

The first digit indicates the number of performers and the last two the instrumentation. 

Example: M535 – First digit is 5, so 5 musicians needed.  Last two digits are 35, so instrumentation is any combination of wind instruments.


M1026 – Bassoon concertos with full orchestra

M1027 – Bassoon concertos with piano reduction (originally full orchestra)

M1126 – Bassoon concertos with string orchestra

M1127 – Bassoon concertos with piano reduction (originally string orchestra)

MT400-405 – Studies and etudes

MT406 – Orchestral excerpts



ML128.B26 – Bassoon bibliographies

ML950-953– History and criticism of bassoon playing (i.e. – history, construction, etc.)

MT400-405 – Studies and etudes (includes technique and period performance)


Selected Books of Interest