What can I access?
- PublicAccess is generally available to all people. Registration or account creation might be required to access.
For commercial websites, the UC Irvine Libraries do not offer premium memberships or subscriptions.
Access is available to all people ON the UC Irvine campus and at GML.
OFF campus access requires Authorized Affiliates to log into the VPN with their active UCInetID and password. Authorized Affiliates are people with an active UCInetID and password, i.e., current UC Irvine students and employees.
Access requires an active UCInetID and password.
Authorized Affiliates are people with an active UCInetID and password, i.e., current UC Irvine students and employees.
The resources are limited to select UC Irvine populations, based on a person’s status, e.g., current UC Irvine Faculty or PhD students. Please refer to the UC Irvine Libraries for access instructions.
Examples for why content may be limited include: a vendor set restrictions on who may access their information; alternatively, information may be sensitive, identifying, or embargoed.
Am I on the UC Irvine network?
Test my connection.
How do I access the UC Irvine network?
- Students
- Employees
- Alumni
- Visitors
Am I responsibly using
what I access?
Typically acceptable vs. unacceptable use.
The UC Irvine Libraries are proud to now sponsor premium access to The Economist. All UC Irvine Authorized Affiliates (i.e., current students and employees with an active UCInetID) can enjoy full access to the Economist.com, the mobile app, newsletters, podcasts, and live subscriber-only events.
How do UC Irvine Authorized Affiliates (i.e. current students and employees an active UCInetID) log in to their complimentary subscription?
You'll follow these steps whenever you need to log into The Economist.com site.
Step 1
Visit the Log in page for The Economist. Or, from the main Economist page (on the website or app), select Log in at the top of the page.
Step 2.1
Please don't select the 'Register now' or the 'Or continue with' options. (SSO is a later step.)
Step 2.2
Simply enter your @uci address in the Email address box.
Step 2.3
Wait as the page auto-updates when it detects your @uci.edu address.
Step 3
In the Find your institution box, type Irvine and select UCI from the results.
Step 4
Complete (SSO) authentication with your UCInetID and password.
After authenticating, you'll be redirected to the homepage for The Economist. If you're on a desktop computer, you'll see a message that your account is provided by the UCI Libraries.
Got a Problem Logging In message?
You did nothing wrong! A few people are experiencing this, and Economist support is working to resolve it.
Please use this email link to notify Annette Buckley (UC Irvine Business & Economics Librarian) that you have the problem. She'll have Economist support fix it so you can access your subscription.
Tip: Want the mobile app? Select The Economist app link for a QR code that you can photograph with your mobile device.
How do UC Irvine Authorized Affiliates (i.e. current students and employees an active UCInetID) use their complimentary subscription in the mobile app?
Good news! The steps are essentially the same for both the Economist.com site and the mobile app.
The mobile app usually keeps you logged in on your account. You shouldn't need to repeat these steps every time you open the app. However if you update the app, or turn your phone off/on, you might need to log in again.
I'm getting a lot of emails from The Economist. What are they, and how do I stop seeing them?
Some automated emails from don't have an unsubscribe option at the end. They are:
To stop seeing them, you have two options.
I have a personal subscription. Can I cancel it and join the UC Irvine Libraries' subscription?
Yes! UC Irvine Authorized Affiliates with a personal (B2C) subscription can cancel and get a refund. This is a two-step process.
Step 1
Email Customer Service: supportteam@economist.com
[Script] Hello, I will be joining the University of California - Irvine group subscription, sponsored by the UC Irvine Libraries. Therefore, I ask that you please cancel my personal (B2C) Economist subscription and issue me a refund. My email address for my personal subscription is [****@email.com]. Please notify me when the cancellation is confirmed. Thank you very much for your help.
When you receive confirmation, start the second step.
Step 2
Email the Enterprise Team: enterprise@economist.com
[Script] Hello, I am a UC Irvine Authorized Affiliate, and I received notice from the Customer Support Division that my personal (B2C) subscription successfully cancelled. Please transition me out of a B2C profile so that I can join the University of California - Irvine group subscription, sponsored by the UC Irvine Libraries. Please notify me when the transition is complete. Thank you very much for your help.
What personal info might The Economist Group collect, and how might they use it?
Please refer to The Economist's privacy policy and cookies policy.
As a student, do I receive additional benefits after I graduate?
There are no specific discounts for students after graduation. However, The Economist occasionally runs promotional offers on personal B2C subscriptions.
More questions?
UC Irvine Authorized Affiliates are welcome to email The Economist Enterprise Team for support: enterprise@economist.com. Please identify yourself as UC Irvine student or employee, and use you @uci email address so that the Enterprise Team can verify your status.
You can also ask these UC Irvine librarians:
Access: UCI
The UCI Libraries' license the Global Issues in Context database from the Gale publishing company, and that includes access to articles from The Economist magazine.
Access: UCI
This content is available through the UC Irvine Libraries' license to the Economist Historical Archive from the Gale publishing company.
Editorial Philosophy
Founded in 1843 to support the cause of free trade, The Economist continues to produce journalism of sometimes radical opinion with a reverence for facts.
Source: About Us. The Economist Group.
Off-campus? Please use the Software VPN and choose the group UCIFull to access licensed content. For more information, please Click here
Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.