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Connecting FAQ

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Can I access UCI’s licensed online library resources (databases, eBooks, journals, and periodicals) from anywhere, either OFF or ON campus?  

Yes!  Current UCI employees and student workers can access UCI’s licensed online library resources for personal, educational, non-commercial purposes:

You need to set up remote access with the VPN.  Also, logging into the VPN requires Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).  

VPN + MFA = Remote Access to Library Resources

You do not need to take any special steps to access our content. You can use a UCI computer, or you can use your own device(s) connected to UCI's WiFi.  


What is the VPN, and why do I need it?  

VPN = Virtual Private NetworkWhen you are using a VPN connection, you appear to have a UCI IP address, as if you're using a computer on the UCI campus network.  This allows you to connect to resources that you would not be able to access otherwise from off campus.

Which version of the VPN should I use?  

There are three versions:  Desktop, Mobile, and Web.  

1.  Desktop (Software) VPN:  Use this on your personal computer!  It gives you the same experience as using a computer on campus.

2.  Mobile VPN:  Use this if you are on a mobile device.  The Mobile VPN APP is available for iOS, Android, and Chrome OS.

3.  Web VPNAvoid this!  Web VPN is clunky, and it does not work with all the resources that we license.  Use it only if you are on a computer that does not allow you to install software.  


How do I install and configure the VPN to access library resources?

Cisco secure connect circular logoDownload the Cisco Secure Client VPN software.  (If UCI departmental IT staff loaded software onto your personal computer, then it might be installed already, so search for Cisco Secure Client.)   

The first time you launch the VPN software, use this configuration:  

  1. AnyConnect VPN> enter
  2. Choose UCIFull in the 'Group' menu.  This 'Group' menu might be hidden behind the UCInetID Login.
  3. Enter your UCInetID (use all lowercase letters) and your password.  

screenshot showing the cisco secure connect configuration


What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and how do I set it up?

To login to the VPN, UCI now requires Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), basically a second verification in addition to your password.  With MFA you'll use your smartphone or a small token device that you carry with you.  In order to access the VPN, you will also need to set up MFA. 


How do I access an eBook?

Make sure you’re connected to the VPN.  eBooks from some publishers have a login screen.  If you see one, use your UCInetID and Password, NOT the guest login.  




I can't access a library resource.  Am I connected to UCI's network? 

You can determine whether you're connected to UCI's network (IP range) by visiting the Test My UCI Connection page. If you see a message that you are not connected to UCI's network (IP range), then make sure your VPN software matches this configuration.  


I'm on the VPN (UCI's network), but I can't access or use a library resource.

  1. Your VPN software has to be configured in a specific way.  You can check this by visiting the Test My UCI Connection page.  If you see a message that you are not connected to UCI's network (IP range), then make sure your VPN software matches this configuration.  
  2. Even if you know the UCI Libraries license a database (e.g. Academic Search Complete, IBISWorld, etc.) don't use a browser like Google to access it.  Enter it through a UCI webpage.  Why?
    • Some databases have a special URL that is customized to UCI.
    • Database vendors may advertise content (through browsers) that isn't part of our academic subscription.
  3. Log into the VPN before opening a browser, or log into the VPN and restart a browser.  A website on an already-open browser might not recognize that you just joined a VPN.   
  4. Your browser's cache or cookie settings can sometimes cause access/usage problems.  If you can access other library resources but not that one resource, try the following:
    • Visit the resource from a different browser, e.g. if you normally use Chrome, try Firefox.
    • Visit the resource from a browser set to incognito/private mode.
    • Clear your browser's cache.
  5. If it has been a while since you logged into the VPN, close and restart the application.

 I logged into Canvas or my campus unit's intranet, but the resource I want to access still asks for an ID/password.  

These systems are completely separate from UCI’s VPN, so they cannot grant remote access to all of UCI’s licensed content. You must use the VPN for remote access to the UCI Libraries' resources.  

 I'm on UCI's network, but I can’t access X website or X report that I found in Google.  

We simply cannot afford to license (i.e., subscribe to) every information resource on the market.  Please check our Databases A-Z page to see what we currently license.  If you do not find the resource there, then we do not have a license to the resource.  

 I'm a very new student.  Why can't I access UCI’s licensed online resources?  

You might have a UCINetID, but you must be actively enrolled too.  New students get access immediately after they are confirmed to be enrolled.  Call the Office of Information Technology (OIT) Help Desk for your status:  949-824-2222.



Can I give people who aren't UCI affiliates remote access to library resources?

  • Please do not share your UCInetID and password! 
  • You might be able to give them a Sponsored UCInetID from the Office of Information Technology (OIT), which manages UCInetIDs.  Please see OIT's Sponsored UCInetID page for a list of circumstances under which Sponsored UCInetIDs are granted.  An active UCInetID and password is required to remotely access the UCI Libraries' licensed online resources. 

    Only UCI faculty, or management-level staff members, or their designees may sponsor someone.  The UCI Libraries cannot give out sponsored UCInetIDs because that is outside of our jurisdiction.  Please contact your school/departmental IT office and OIT. 


What happens to my access when I am no longer a UCI employee?

  • Please visit OIT's UCInetID support page for current relevant policies.  Scroll down and look under the headers titled Former Employees/Students/Retirees and UCInetID Deletion and Retention Policies.  


 I have more remote access questions.     

Please contact the computing office for your department, or contact the Office of Information Technology (OIT). OIT also offers a separate FAQ page for more VPN troubleshooting.  
