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DASA: Demographic & Social Analysis

This guide is intended for use by new DASA students - the 2023/24Entering Class

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Assignments (2020-21) - Data Resources

Nowhere near exhaustive, but instead a source of departure to find information to support hypotheses and conclusions.  I invite you to set up a research consultation to delve deeper in your individual projects.  As these topics are better flushed out, I will add a variety of resources on what you may choose to consult and use in your research.  Please feel free to reach out to me if you are getting started sooner than I populate these topics.

Assignments (2019-20) - Data Resources

These are not exhaustive resources on any of these topics but meant to be a point of departure:

1.  Student segregation of secondary schools by Latino populations in Orange County, CA. - some of the origins of this issue go back to the Mendez v. Westminster School District case in the US Ninth Circuit ruling in 1946; news coverage from local press and media; consult the GAO report released in 2016; check out the Civil Rights Project at UCLA for K-12 Education;

2.  Refugee integration - currently using Annual Refugee Survey for 2011-15 - interested in countries of origin and particularly from Central America - sources of other dataset are Immigration Statistics from DHS and those listed on; from the UNHCR Refugee Data; current pathways for refugee integration; DACA data; Literature about refugee integration is in the resources, Academic Search Complete; LegalTrac; news & media sources; Sociological Abstracts, Web of Science, SSRN, Rand Reports, etc

3.  Private Prisons in US - there is a lot of data - something just released last week; Also the Equal Rights Initiative; Please consult Criminal Justice Fulltext; Rand Reports,; SSRN; LegalTrac; Web of Science

4.  Social Networks in Music - influences of trends, popularity of performing artists, record labels, etc - the Spotify Datasets & Publications are here; May want to consult Business Source Complete, explore Academic Rights Press for Entertainment & Music, and contact Performing Arts Librarian Scott Stone (

5.  Socio-economic influences in higher education, specifically of Hispanic populations - start with Digest of Education Statistics; and consult Education Fulltext; ERIC (contains indexing of both journal literature & technical reports); NCES, Immediate College Enrollment Rate (Feb 2019)' See articles and news releases like thisSchool Enrollment of the Hispanic Population: 2 Decades of Growth (2017);

6.  Bias of historical sociology - contingency of soccer matches world wide - how is it reported by the media; what impact it has on competitors, the media coverage, understanding the match - using data from - may also want to examine  Other sources of data analytics for soccer may be;

7. Domestic violence - recidivism rates of domestic violent assaults in OC for ages 15-18.  Also what factors are most highly correlated with a teen perpetrating domestic violence and what are the most effective interventions?  Sources for this these last 2 issues may be found in PsycINFO, Criminal Justice Abstracts Fulltext, Sociological Abstracts, Academic Search Complete, Social Services Abstracts.