Differential Diagnosis and Clinical Decision Support Tools
Step-by-step guidance is provided for symptom evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, follow up and prevention. Updated daily using robust evidence based methodology and expert opinion.
A clinical search engine and point-of-care database that provides access to thousands of online resources including books, journals and multimedia.
Current and accurate, evidence-based content for practicing clinicians. A multidisciplinary systematic database of emerging scientific literature and clinical practice guidelines.
A diagnostic and visual clinical decision support system designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety. Designed by clinicians to aid medical professionals in the diagnosis of visually identifiable diseases. Includes thousands of images representing hundreds of visually identifiable diseases, drug reactions, and infections. Quickly search by diagnosis, build a patient-specific differential, or review travel or medication-related events at the point of care.
Resources Paid by UCI Medical School
Journal Club Goals & Objectives
Clinical clerkship students must be able to search the medical literature, appraise and assimilate scientific evidence, and assess and improve their patient care practices. Clerkship students are expected to:
A Three-step Approach
Step 1:
Identify a clinical scenario encountered during one of the clerkship rotations that you would like to further research for evidence.
Step 2:
Worksheet #1: Asking a Clinical Question & Conducting a PubMed Search This worksheet provides step-by-step guidance on structuring a well-built clinical question and identifying search terms within the PICO framework. The steps will help you to conduct an effective PubMed search and find a relevant study to answer your clinical question.
Step 3:
Download and complete the appropriate worksheet below that matches the type of question and study methodology you have selected.
Appraising the Evidence (Critical Appraisal Worksheets)
Watch the video below to guide you through the steps in identifying information needs, locating relevant resources for background reading, and developing a focused clinical question within the PICO framework that is directly relevant to your patient.
Searching PubMed@UCI: A Step-by-Step Tutorial on how to conduct a PubMed search with key terms and key concepts deriving from the PICO elements. The tutorial includes using the PubMed filters to find recent literature and the best available evidence to support your clinical decision-making.
What Needs To Be Done:
The PICO framework
The Most Common Types of Clinical Questions
Examples of Well-built Clinical Quesitons
Resources & Tools
After you complete the 20-question PubMed quiz and click submit, you will receive a certification for completion at the end. To begin the quiz, click the image below.
Provides access to millions of citations from MEDLINE and life science journals. Includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.
PubMed Search Tips
PubMed Tutorials
PubMed: Find articles by author A 2-minute brief tutorial on how to find articles by an author using PubMed.
PubMed: Find articles by journal A 2-minute brief tutorial on how to find articles from a journal using PubMed.
PubMed: Find articles from a citation A 2-mins brief tutorial on how to find articles from citation information using PubMed.
PubMed: Find articles on a topic A one-minute brief tutorial on how to find articles on a topic using PubMed.
PubMed: Find the latest treatments for a disease or disorder A brief 2-minute tutorial on how to find the latest treatments for a disease or disorder using PubMed.
PubMed: Save searches and set e-mail alerts A 2-minute brief tutorial on how to get alerts for articles on a topic using PubMed.
PubMed subject search: How it works A brief 4-minute tutorial on how automatic term mapping and explosion enhance your search.
What is PubMed? A 3-minute brief tutorial to learn what you can find in PubMed, and how it got there.
What Needs To Be Done:
Example Scenarios Appraisal Worksheets from Evidence-Based Medicine Toolbox
Critical Appraisal Mini Videos by Terry Shaneyfelt
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