General Information on Accessing Course Textbooks and Exam Prep Resources for MS1
Welcome to the dedicated page for UCI first-year medical students enrolled in basic science courses. On the left menu, you will find direct links to course textbooks and exam study materials for each MS1 basic science course. Simply select the desired course from the left menu to access the course textbooks and study resources available through the UCI Libraries.
If you encounter any issues or have questions about accessing library-related resources or services, feel free to email me at
Remote Access to the UCI Libraries Online Resources
To access UCI Libraries online resources from home or outside of UCI, you must first download the VPN software and configure it. Here are a few tips that you must know when logging in to the VPN.
The Group pull-down menu is hidden behind the DUO window.
Watch a VPN Tutorial
To test your VPN connection, please go to the Connect from Off Campus (VPN) and click on the "Test My Connection" button as shown below:
Provides access to millions of citations from MEDLINE and life science journals. Includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.
Off-campus? Please use the Software VPN and choose the group UCIFull to access licensed content. For more information, please Click here
Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.