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A VPN connection is required for using UCI resources off-campus. Must use the UCIFull Group on the software VPN.
Problems with UCI-related tech, connecting to the VPN, or with software downloaded from OIT? Open a support ticket or email the UCI Office of Information Technology (OIT) HelpDesk for assistance.
Use UC Library Search to find books, articles, videos and more across the UC system. You can limit to UC Irvine only using the limits that appear in the left column next to your search results. Look for the button to download or view online.
Don’t pay for access to articles or books! As a UCI student, you have access to free interlibrary loans.
Browse scholarly journal articles from the UCI Libraries on your computer, tablet, or smartphone with BrowZine. Set current awareness alerts for journal titles in your area of study.
Connect your Chrome browser to the UCI Libraries collections for faster access to scholarly resources. LibKey Nomad makes it easy to find UCI resources across the web.
Activate your complimentary online access to the following daily publications:
Enjoy digital versions of popular fiction and non-fiction books on Overdrive at no cost, courtesy of the UCI Libraries. You can access UCI Libraries titles using the Libby app.
ORCID iD is a unique, persistent, digital identifier for authors. Use your iD every time you publish to track your publications automatically.
If you aren’t yet using a citation manager, now is the time! Popular choices include Zotero (open-source), EndNote, Mendeley, and RefWorks. Talk to faculty advisors and researchers in your area to find their preferred option.
Digital Scholarship Services (DSS) can help you create data management plans, archive and share your research data using DRYAD, and assign unique identifiers to your data. Schedule a DSS consultation to learn more.
Overleaf is a collaborative, cloud-based, LaTex editor for the writing, editing, and publishing of scientific documents. Integrates directly with Zotero, Mendeley, and CiteULike, and can also be used with RefWorks, EndNote, and Paperpile citation management programs. Choose Sign Up and register by entering your UCI email and a new password for Overleaf (not the password you use for UCInetID).
The University of California has negotiated with numerous publishers to offer discounts on open access Article Processing Charges (APCs) to UC researchers. Review this list of OA Publishing Agreements and Discounts before paying to publish open access!
Information on how to access Pivot and other tools to find funding sources.
Includes information on copyright and Fair Use, open access, and the UCI eScholarship digital repository
Useful information for evaluating journals, both for use in research and in deciding where to publish your own research. Be sure to reach out to a librarian for journal selection help.
Resources and information from the UCI Libraries Digital Scholarship Services regarding data curation, including data management plans and protection of sensitive data.
Describes the requirements for formatting your manuscript, as established by UCI’s Graduate Division, the Graduate Council of the Irvine Division of the Academic Senate, and the University Libraries.
Find recommended resources for your areas of study and beyond.
Software Carpentry Workshop: Unix, Git, and Python
Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. The course is aimed at graduate students and other researchers. You don't need to have any previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented at the workshop.
LibGuide - Software for Data Analysis
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Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.