Your professor may require you to find scholarly sources popular sources, secondary sources or primary sources on your topic. Here's a very basic guide if you need more details:
Primary Sources: Primary sources are the raw stuff of history. Examples of primary sources:
Some Primary Sources maybe be considered popular sources, but they are of the time that you are researching.
Secondary or Scholarly Sources:
These are the peer reviewed articles and scholarly books that historians write after they have worked with the primary sources -- and consulted other secondary articles or books.
Historiography: Historiography is the study of how historians have interpreted historical events throughout time. One way of doing this comparative interpretation, is looking for bibliographies on a subject or using the keyword "historiography" in UC Library Search or an online scholarly database such as Historical Abstracts or America: History and Life.
Want more information about primary resources? Check out the Primary Resources Research Guide!
Before you start searching for resources, think about what exactly you will search for.
How do you come up with the words to write down?
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