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UC Library Search

InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service enables UC students, faculty, and staff to borrow materials from other libraries that are not available at the UCI Library. Please check UC Library Search before requesting an ILL and make all requests there. If UCI has the eBook and you prefer reading the print, please request it here  For requests outside of the UC use the WorldCat Worldwide search incorporated in UC Library Search.  For additional information contact

Finding Books & eBooks

There are many ways to identify the availability of a book, book chapter and format of the book - as an eBook or in print.  UC Library Search was launched as a discovery source for all library holdings across all 10 UC campuses. The left side bar allows you to refine your search in many ways. One can retrieve content by searching for books, book chapters, journal articles, newspaper articles, theses/dissertations, films, videos, music scores & recordings, Government documents and Course Reserves. In addition, one can search only UCI's holdings by searching the Advanced Search option for the Library Catalog and selecting specific features of what one needs.  It is recommended that one search databases for journal articles for more complete access to what has been published.  he order of this recommendation includes priorities for UCI users. There may be multiple records for the different formats in UC Library Search.  If UCI has an eBook format for a specific title and you prefer to read a print copy, you can borrow that book on ILL from another submitting an ILL request via UC Library Search.

Connecting from Off-Campus will require that you use the VPN to access licensed content.  Follow the directions and load on up to five devices including your cell phone, tablets, laptops, and desktops.  Please be aware that you may be asked to login with your UCInetID to access specific resources.  This Duo MultiFactor Authentication is another layer of security when accessing protected systems and services.  If you have any questions, please contact OIT (Office of Information Technology) 24/7 at 949-824-2222.

Finding book chapters is increasingly important and available in the digital arena. Many eBook platforms allow one to search at the chapter or full text level, and those will be noted in each subject area. 

eBook Collections

There are many eBook resources - reference titles, collections from many publishers (Springer is the largest publisher represented) known for scholarly and professional title releases.  There are scholarly societies and commercial publishers represented/.  They are all identified in UC Library Search as "available online" and many are listed on different Subject Guides. Examples of these include the following collections and there are many more listed in UC Library Search:

There are many eBooks from trade publishers on different platforms listed on the EBooks Guide.

The professional societies, especially in Engineering are listed on the professional society websites.  These include:

  • IEEE - IEEE Xplore
  • ASCE - ASCE Research Library
  • ASME - ASME Digital Collection
  • SAE - SAE Mobilus
  • IET - IET Digital Library

Recreational Reading

Relax with a film or documentary or other example of streaming media and find books on different eBook platforms and consider reading fiction and other contemporary works available via Overdrive.