Includes a range of portals, gateways and individual agency websites. Please also consult the Technical Reports Subject Guide.
UCI does not have extensive technical report holdings. Requests should be submitted to ILL and
Major databases include:
See Research Guide for Technical Reports
NTRL* - The most complete collection of NTIS technical reports and documents with online fulltext access eventually going back retrospectively to 1964.
DTIC'S Technical Reports Collection - Provides access to all unclassified, unlimited citations to documents in the Defense Technical Information Center's Public Technical Reports Collection and to DTIC's Fulltext collection of Department of Defense reports.
NASA Technical Reports Server - NASA produced technical reports and aerospace related literature from 1962. Includes citations to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) reports from 1915-1960, but should also consult the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Digital Library
National Laboratories - Links to DOE labs and facilities at Argonne, Brookhave, Fermi, LBL, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, Sandia and others.
NIST Publications - Technical publications from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and includes a searchable index of forthcoming, recent and past publications from 1948. Also contains online NIST Journal fo Research.
NTRS NASA Technical Reports Server - a sort of portal for several NASA technical report sites that supports keyword searching
Virtual Technical Reports Center: EPrints & Technical Reports on the Web - not updated since 2007 but a great source for international technical reports from academic research units and centers.
Wright Air Development Center Digital Collection 1952-1961. Permanent digital repository for WADC/WADD tech reports.
Yahoo: Science Technical Reports - Includes many sites that have or are currently engaged in issuing technical reports in computer science, science and engineering.
Crosslink - Publication of Aerospace Corporation covering updates in aircraft technology and archive of technical reports.
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