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Scholarly Communication & Related Issues

Scholarly communication is the life-blood of the university’s teaching and research mission. Issues of copyright, intellectual property rights, and the long-term preservation of digital assets are posing new challenges to faculty, schools, & librarians.

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Publisher Copyright and Self-Archiving

Q: How do I find out about what a publisher allows for deposit to repositories?



Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving

RoMEO is a searchable database of publisher's policies regarding the self- archiving of journal articles on the web and in Open Access repositories.

FAQs about eScholarship

eScholarship is the institutional repository for the University of California, for faculty, staff and students, including undergraduates to deposit and post their creative output.  These FAQs and information links will take you to additional explanations and resources about specific issues:

Talking Points or FAQs:

  1. What is eScholarship?  - some background about its evolution and scope:
    eScholarship - 
  2. Get a Waiver, Embargo, or Addendum for your Publisher 
  3. Why eScholarship?  Reasons to publish with eScholarship - Publishing with scholarship -
  4. What is considered appropriate content to submit to eScholarship? - Submissions and Appropriate Content -
  5. Legal issues and supporting documentation - Copyright and Legal Agreements -
  6. Publishing Options - Postprint Hints - 
  7. How to retain author's rights? - Sample Addendum to Retain Author's Rights -
  8. How to treat revised documents or how to remove them from eScholarship? - Removing and Revising Publications -
  9. Sample Addendum to Retain Author's Rights -


New Tools For Researchers

Google Scholar Citations: Create an Author Profile                                                       

  • An Author Profile in Google Scholar Citations allows you to create a web page listing your publications and some citation metrics, and also track citations to your publications.
  • To create an Author Profile, see: Setting Up Your Profile
    • To see profiles for other UCD chemists, 
      search Google for: "Verified email at" chemistry -label
  • Note: citations to your publications are from Google Scholar and can include duplication and citations from non-scholarly works. 

Author Identifiers:

ResearcherIDResearcher ID

Create a unique identifier to manage your publication lists, track times cited counts and h-index, and avoid author misidentification. Can be linked to your ORCID identifier.  ResearcherID is from the same company that provides Web of Science.



ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. Can be linked to other identifiers such as ReseacherID.


Scopus Scopus Citation Tracker:    The Scopus Citation Tracker is the simple way to find, check and track citation data. Available to anyone with a Scopus subscription, it lets you track data year by year for a specific author or topic.  

 ISNI     ISNI - International Standard Name Identifier (ISO 27729)    ISNI is the ISO certified global standard number for identifying the millions of contributors to creative works and those active in their distribution, including researchers, inventors, writers, artists, visual creators, performers, producers, publishers, aggregators, and more.

New Ways to Track Research:

AltmetricsAltmetrics:   New options for tracking author work and citations

From their web site: "Altmetric tracks what people are saying about papers online on behalf of institutions, publishers, authors, libraries and institutions."

Assigns article level metrics based on and article's: tweets, blog & Facebook postings, news outlets, and listings on Mendeley, Connotea, CiteULike, etc.

Altmetric Bookmarklet:  Free bookmark, install in your browser toolbar. Allows you to get Altmetrics data for an article while you read it.

Altmetics Tools:  A growing list of applications.


An app to manage your twitter feeds.