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Anesthesiology & Perioperative Care Subject Guide

A collection of excellent resources available to UCI anesthesiologists and students.

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Health Sciences Librarian

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Linda Murphy
Linda Suk-Ling Murphy, MLIS
Health Sciences Librarian
University of California, Irvine
The UCI Libraries
P.O. Box 19557
Irvine, CA 92623-9557
(949) 824-6419
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Welcome to the MS1 Library Resources Page

General Information on Access Anesthesiology Journals,

Core Textbooks, and Exam Prep Resources

for Anesthesiology Residents 


Welcome to the dedicated library resources page for UCI Anesthesiology residents. In the menu on the left, you will find direct links to a variety of resources. These include materials to help you prepare for your medical board exams, Anesthesiology textbooks, Point-of-Care tools, and patient education materials. Additional resources are also available to support your ongoing education and training.

Click on the second tab of this welcome page to find instructions for remote access to UCI Libraries' online resources. This tab includes links for downloading and configuring the VPN software. You can test your VPN connection in the third tab. The fourth tab provides links to resources for searching PubMed.

If you encounter any issues or have questions about accessing library-related resources or services, feel free to email me at

Remote Access to the UCI Libraries Online Resources

VPN software download and configuration


To access UCI Libraries online resources from home or outside of UCI, you must first download the VPN software and configure it.  Here are a few tips that you must know when logging in to the VPN.

  1. UCI has several VPN addresses. is the Connection address that will enable you to have full access to all the UCI Libraries’ restricted online resources remotely.
  2. After you enter your username, you will be prompted for DUO Authentication.
  3. Before entering your UCInetID login, you must first select UCIFULL from theGroup menu”, which may be hidden behind the DUO window.
  4. Move the DUO window out of the way or shrink it down until you can see the Group menu and select UCIFULL in the pull-down (see image below). 
  5. After the selection is made, return to the DUO window.
  6. Enter your UCInetID and password and click Login. 
  7. Approved the DUO authentication on your phone.  After you authorize the login, go back to the VPN and click on Connect and Accept

    Software VPN Configuration


The Group pull-down menu is hidden behind the DUO window. 


Watch a VPN Tutorial

The VPN address "" will NOT work for full access to Library resources.

Go to Connect from Off-Campus and select the "Test My UCI Connection" button.


For full access, connect to and choose the Group UCIFull: