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INF 161: Social Analysis of Computerization - Winter 2025

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Julia Gelfand
Office: Science Library 228

Phone: 949-824-4971


Citing Sources - Using APA & other formats

You are asked to use a standard style manual.  Helpful hints for all are located on the Research Guide for Citations. The goal is to be CONSISTENT and follow one standard form. The standard citation for a Journal article in APA format includes: Author (Last, FM. (Date). Title of Article. Journal Title, Volume #,(Issue #), Pages .

The References page should conform to the APA Style (American Psychological Association).  The latest edition of the APA's Publication Manual was released in July 2019. These links are for the 7th edition of the manual.  See all Libraries at BF 76.7 .P83 2020.

Locate an available doi here! A doi is a set of numbers (sometimes letters, too) that helps you locate specific texts or objects. Anything can have a doi, but dois are often used to identify articles.

Find out about software to make citing sources easy here.

Background & Introduction

This class takes the approach of a Read/Think/Write class which will encourage you to conduct research and ponder about what various authors have written before you respond.It will take you time to effectively reflect on both general and specific issues that are raised.  One of the major themes is the transition to a more digital life and that will introduce you to resources that document and chronicle various facets of that within different contexts.

Key Resources

There are many different resources that will index and abstract information based on the search strategy that you enter.  Some databases will introduce you to the journal literature that is written on a topic, others will lead you to data points that suggest how different digital tools are used.  There is a subject guide for Informatics but this course guide is a selective and edited down version that responds to the assignments you have.  Your weekly assignments reflect important writings on trends and issues in social aspects of computing, and reflects some of the "classical" writings as well as major thought pieces.

For your various assignments, remember you need to cite a specified number of peer-reviewed journal articles and they can be found by searching the various databases.

The following list is organized in the following way: 

  • The first set of bibliographic databases cover scholarly literature (peer reviewed) and reflect content from both the scholarly societies in computer/information sciences and computer/electrical engineering and include journal articles, conference papers/proceedings from the content issued bn society hosted journals and meetings, and some ebooks. 
  • Commercial and global publishers - covers both the output from the for-profit publishers and many society publishers.  Use the UC eLinks icon to connect to the full content, even for Google Scholar.
  • Relevant related sources that give you some data and statistical representation or analysis of an issue/product - some come from marketing surveys, others from different business aggregators.

Additional Subject Research Guides that may be helpiful are: Library & Information Science and Business.

You will need to use the VPN to access most of these resources from off-campus. 

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