Before you begin, it is best if you read a number of annotated bibliographies to get a sense of what to include or cover - basically it is a short introduction of how an entry you have chosen of a piece of literature, a chapter, article, conference paper, white paper, preprint, technical report, review article, documentary, etc weaves together with other elements and influences your thinking about the topic. You write an introduction, and then have a choice of different writing techniques for the bibliography:
You can find examples of annotated bibliographies by searching "annotated bibliography" in the title of an advanced search in UCLS and find articles and books & book chapters that contain them.
You need to submit 5+ citations and annotations
Submit by Nov 15 - everyone in the group must submit something - can be the same submission -
Entries in an annotated bibliiography can be either descriptive or analytical. The format of the bibliography can be either essay driven or by individual entries. Consistency is what counts. Special hints:
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