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Engineering 190W - Fall 2024 - Bach Sections

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InterLibrary Loan

The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service enables UC students, faculty, and staff to borrow materials from other libraries that are not available at the UCI Library. Please check UC Library Search before requesting an ILL and make all requests there. If UCI has the eBook and you prefer reading the print, please request it here  For requests outside of the UC use the WorldCat Worldwide search incorporated in UC Library Search.  For additional information contact

Getting Started

There are Subject Guides that may be helpful to consult - there is one corresponding to each academic department in the Samueli School of Engineering and the Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences and for all other academic units and subject areas such as Biology or Medicine or Environmental Sciences prepared by other librarians.  Many of you may find the Business literature helpful and it is suggested that you consider using the Subject Guide for Business These may provide more relevant and advanced content. 

Use UC Library Search

Find books, government documents, maps and more ...

How to use UC Library Search? Contact Librarian

eBook Collections

There are many eBook resources - reference titles, collections from many publishers (Springer is the largest publisher represented) known for scholarly and professional title releases.  There are scholarly societies and commercial publishers represented/.  They are all identified in UC Library Search as "available online" and many are listed on different Subject Guides. Examples of these include the following collections and there are many more listed in UC Library Search:

There are many eBooks from trade publishers on different platforms listed on the EBooks Guide.

The professional societies, especially in Engineering are listed on the professional society websites.  These include:

  • IEEE - IEEE Xplore
  • ASCE - ASCE Research Library
  • ASME - ASME Digital Collection
  • SAE - SAE Mobilus
  • IET - IET Digital Library