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Engineering 190W - Fall 2024 - Bach Sections

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APA Citation

The 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 2020 is the current Style Manual and is found at all REF desks at: REF BF 76.7 P83 2020 - for additional support with the APA style manual please consult the following resources and follow this example for a journal article:

author (date of publication). Title of article. Source of article. Volume #, issue #, page references. DOI (if listed) - example:

           Meadows, A., Nolan, L. J., & Higgs, S. (2017). Self-perceived food addiction: Prevalence, predictors, and prognosis. Appetite 114, 282-298. doi:

Overall Assignments

You have several assignments in this class.  They include writing essays, group collaboration, presentations, research papers, technical papers. 



There are many hints about how to become a more effective communicator, writer and presenter.  Remember that this first and foremost is an advanced technical writing class.  Some ideas include:

1.  Write from an outline

2.  Expect to write several drafts

3.  Use Tracking to see revisions

4.  Create Bibliography as you write - consider using Bibliographic Management Software -

5.  For a research paper, you may find the following outline helpful:


Background/ Description of Problem or Question/Context/Importance

Research Methodology


Summary of Literature Review


Acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis

6.  Read paper aloud - see cadences and length of sentences - shorten when possible for clarity

7.  Create your portfolio.

Working in Groups

Some hints for achieving success iin group projects:

  1. establish a group leader to keep everyone focused and on task
  2. contract with one another about what each will deliver
  3. share information widely
  4. work from an outline
  5. use Tracking option in MS Word - go to "Review" tab, click on "Tracking Changes" to activate and save different versions that will note editorial revisions
  6. remember that group effort contributes to defining everyone's outcome
  7. consider using a platform such as Google Drive to share writing passages and ideas - you will need to register - see  and

Hints for Specific Assignments

There are several different assignments to be completed in this brief term and some hints follow for each assignment:

  1. Ethics essay - follow the recommended methods to consult appropriate resources about a real-world engineering case study or scenario
  2. Collaborative or Group Research Project - establish some basic ground rules in conducting research, sharing information, drafting sections, editing to create a "common voice" - set up some ways that each group member can lead and be aware of progress of other members
  3. Technical Research Paper - write from an outline; conduct research early on; consider consulting with a librarian
  4. Presentations - consider any supplemental materials that you will use in your presentations - posters, powerpoint, and make sure that it is a blend of text and images, with everything well documented and cited
  5. Finding appropriate journal article.  Consider audience to whom you will present so that content is appropriate and interesting - Think of your topic.  Browse or search in appropriate database or index to find several articles and then choose the one that is most relevant.  Consider the main points of the article when you write up the summary and prepare oral presentation.
  6. Technical description to a generalist audience - consider directions to a new gadget or appliance or summary of something that is complete - a good exercise is to read the general news magazines or newspapers and compare the coverage of it with the original scientific or technical article on which it is based
  7. Public speaking - inject humor and relevance to the talk or presentation; appear relaxed and comfortable with topic as well anticipate any questions that may be posed





Hints for Group Assignments

There are several good sources for each topic - please use them as a starting point and then consider what additional sources of information are needed - the links to the sources are found below:

Section: 8:00 am class -

Group 1 - Evolution of Skyscrapers -

Subject Headings include:  Skyscrapers; High-rises; Architecture - Design

Sources will include: UCLS - search for articles separately realizing that there is a lot of international options full of examples; for books many will be in print as the photographs & imagery is important and they may be found at Langson Library; Academic Search Complete; and for the engineering/design focus consult ASCE Library; and for the artistic/architectural content consult Art and Architecture Source and Google Images or other visual image databases noted here; for more of a planning focus, consult Urban Studies Abstracts

Group 2 - Pros & Cons of Electric Vehicles

Subject Headings include:  Electric vehicles

Recommend Sources include: Transport; Compendex; Proquest Materials Science & Engineering Database; TRID; TRB; SAE Mobilus; ASME Digital Collection; IEEE Xplore; BCC Research;  UCLS for books, book chapters and articles - for pro/con content consult Gale Opposing Viewpoints - may not contain the most up to date content but it will be useful

Group 3 - Renewable Energy & Hydroelectricity -

Recommended subject headings: Hydroelectric power plants; Renewable energy

Recommended Sources will include:  Compendex; Materials Science & Engineering Collection DB; Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Collection DB; Knovel for eBooks; UCLS for books, eBooks, chapters and articles; BCC Research for business sector developments

Group 4 - Maglev and Analysis of High Speed Rail -

Recommended subject headings: Magnetic levitation vehicles; Magnetic suspension; Transportation; High speed ground transportation;

Recommended Sources will include: UCLS (for books, eBooks, government info); Compendex; Web of Science; Transport; ASCE Digital Library; SAE Mobilus

Group 5 - Principles and Functions of Traffic LIghts

Recommended subject headings:  Smart traffic lights; Traffic lights; Traffic lights intersections; Traffic lights accidents; Road traffic lights

Recommended Sources will include:  ASCE Library; Compendex; Materials Science & Engineering Collection DB; Academic Search Complete; UCLS; Transport; TRID; Google Scholar

Section: 10:30 am Class

Group 1 - Water Pollution and Pollutants: Treatment Strategies

Recommended subject headings:  Water - Pollution; Water - Purification - Technological innovations; Biorestoration

Recommended Sources: UCLS; Business Source Complete; BCC Research; Frost & Sullivan; Compendex; Inspec; Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Collection DB (includes Water Resources Abstracts); IWA Publishing - Journals Database; BIOSIS

Group 2 - MAGLEV in Japan

Subject headings include: High speed ground transportation - Japan; Magnetic levitation vehicles - Japan;

Sources will include: UCLS; ASCE Digital Library; SAE Mobilus; Compendex; Materials Science & Engineering Collection; Business Source Complete Academic Search Complete; BCC Research; Frost & Sullivan; Transport; TRID

Group 3 - AI Impacts in Education

Recommended Subject Headings:  Application software - Development; Artificial intelligence; Machine Learning; Ubiquitous computing; Educational technology

Recommended Sources:  Compendex; Inspec; Scopus; ACM Digital Library; Web of Science; IEEE Xplore, Academic Search Complete; Business Source Complete; Education Source; O'Reilly Higher Education (OHE); UCLS

Group 4 - Hearing Implants for Hearing Loss

Recommended Subject Headings: Hard of hearing people - Rehabilitation; Hearing impaired; Cochlear implantation; Correction of hearing impairment; Audiology; Disability studies

Recommended Sources: Compendex; UCLS; PubMed; Academic Search Complete; Business Source Complete; CINAHL; BCC Research

Group 5 - Renewable Energies: Solar, Wind and How to Capture and Apply

Recommended Subject Headings: Solar energy; Hydrogen as fuel; Renewable energy sources; Wind Energy

Recommended Sources:  Scopus; Compendex; E&E Sources; Web of Science; Academic Search Complete; UCLS for books, book chapters & articles; BCC Research; Plunkett Research Online; Opposing Viewpoints

Section: 1pm Class

Group 1 -  Renewable Energy

Recommended Subject Headings: Solar energy; Hydrogen as fuel; Renewable energy sources

Recommended Sources:  Scopus; Compendex; E&E Sources; Web of Science; Academic Search Complete; UCLS for books, book chapters & articles

Group 2:  Smart Roads

Recommended Subject Headings: Intelligent transportation systems; Structural design; smart structures

Recommended Sources: Scopus; Compendex; Web of Science; Academic Search Complete; UCLS for books, book chapters & articles

Group 3: The Future of Electric Vehicles

Recommended Subject Headings:  Electric vehicles;

Recommended Sources:  Opposing Viewpoints; Digital Think Tanks; Compendex; SAE Mobilus; ASME Digital Collection; IEEE Xplore; Google Images

Group 4: AI Impacts in Colleges and Universities: Efficiencies Across the Infrastructure

Recommended Subject Headings:  Application software - Development; Artificial intelligence; Machine Learning; Ubiquitous computing; Educational technology;

Recommended Sources:  Compendex; Inspec; Scopus; ACM Digital Library; Web of Science; IEEE Xplore, Academic Search Complete; Business Source Complete; Education Source; O'Reilly Higher Education (OHE); UCLS

Group 5:  Maglev and Analysis of High Speed Rail -

Recommended subject headings: Magnetic levitation vehicles; Magnetic suspension; Transportation; High speed ground transportation;

Recommended Sources will include: UCLS (for books, eBooks, government info); Compendex; Web of Science; Transport; ASCE Digital Library; SAE Mobilus


Bibliographic Management Software

BIBLIOGRAPHIC MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE - allows you to discover, find, manage, recall and apply the citations you retrieve from all formats of work - journal articles, book chapters, edited volumes, standards, specifications, patents, conference papers & proceedings, lectures, etc. Neither Zotero nor EndNote support BibTeX or LaTeX, only the usual wordprocessing languages or Legal Style Manual.  For additional information, please visit the Bibliographic Management Software page.