Finding Books about Engineering Ethics – appropriate subject headings may include:
When searched in Library Search by Subject Headings,” Engineering ethics” one retrieves 38 titles; by title the retrieval is 5 titles; by keyword 183 titles appear
Recommended books include:
Engineering Ethics: Contemporary and Enduring Debates, 2020
Engineering Case Studies Online - includes videos -
Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology and Society (3 volumes currently in this series) - specifically the titles,
Style and Ethics of Communication in Science and Engineering (2008) Engineering Ethics: Peace, Justice and the Earth (2006)
Recommended journal is Science and Engineering Ethics
Appropriate websites may include:
National Society of Professional Engineers Engineering Ethics
Ethics Defined - an online library of 51 key ethics terms and concepts, animated in short, shareable video clips
An example of how ethics applies to current issues.
Standards and Specifications are described as documents that describe the rules and conditions for how materials and products should be manufactured, defined, measured, tested, and applied. They are used to establish baselines or a minimum level of performance and quality control to ensure that optimal conditions and procedures for the purpose of creating compatibility with products and services from different periods and a range of sources. Specifications have a more limited range of application than standards and generally establish requirements for materials, products, or services. Standards and specifications may be issued by voluntary technical or trade associations, professional societies, national standards bodies, government agencies, or by international organizations. It is critical to establish the source.
Standards and specifications are of greatest utility to engineers, scientists and those working with new innovations.
Learn more about Standards
Types of Standards:
What are some points to remember when using standards?
To locate a standard you should (ideally) have at least three of the following:
Sources for Standards: ASTM SEDL
Patent Information
Google Patents - different arrangement of output - there is lots of help; not as formalized a search process - contains 7.3 million patents with references to worldwide patents; images are inline
Google Scholar - Google Scholar's Advanced Scholar Search can now be used to find patents and legal opinions. Search options include all legal opinions and journals, search only US federal court opinions, and search only court opinions from individual states.
For assistance in preparing presentations you may find the following resources helpful in preparing a Powerpoint presentation that can capture your ideas with some visual elements including images, graphs, photographs, etc. For some background in creating an appropriate presentation, consider the needs of your audience and play to that group. You may find the following resources and tutorials helpful:
Mastering Powerpoint 2000 - SL Bar T385 M8863 1999
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