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Social Science Data

Resources for locating and analyzing social science data across subfields and geographic regions

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Connect from Off Campus

Researching from home? Remote access to the UC Irvine Libraries' licensed online resources is available to current UC Irvine students, faculty & staff. Visit our Connect from Off-Campus page for more information!

Social Science Librarians

Do you want to connect with the librarian who covers your discipline or topic? Or view the research guide that supports your discipline?

Find Statistics

This is a selection of statistics resources to which the library subscribes. You may also want check your discipline's research guide as the library's specialist for that discipline may share more specific resources. Additionally, many organizations that collect data offer robust analysis of that data on their website. Usually, you can find one menu option that will lead you to datasets, and another menu option that will provide access to the analysis / statistics - sometimes on the website, sometimes in the form of a report or publication.

Mapping & Data Visualization Tools

As you explore various statistic and data websites, you will find many of them offer data visualization tools. These are a few of the tools to which UCI Libraries subscribes.