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Nielsen Datasets

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Authorized Affiliates are users with an active UCInetID and password, i.e. current UCI students, faculty, and staff.


The resources are limited to select UCI populations, based on the user’s status, e.g. current UCI Faculty or PhD students. Please refer to the UCI Libraries for access instructions.

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CRSP: About

About CRSP

The UCI RCIC (Research Cyber-Infrastructure Center) manages CRSP (the Campus Research Storage Pool), an enterprise-grade storage system designed for researchers.  CRSP is organized into labs.  The Nielsen Datasets are stored and organized into a lab within CRSP.  

  • UCI Tenure-Track Faculty
    UCI Campus Research Storage Pool (CRSP) offers pre-created accounts to all UCI tenure-track faculty. 
  • UCI PhDs & Postdocs
    You may request to have a sub-account made for you in CRSP.  It will be under the tenure-track faculty member whom you list as your advisor for the Nielsen Datasets.  
  • Visit this Access page for instructions on how to request access to the Nielsen Datasets within CRSP.


More About the Nielsen Datasets in CRSP

  • Populating the Nielsen Datasets into CRSP was a team effort involving several people across many groups: the UCI Libraries, UCI Research Cyberinfrastructure Center (RCIC), Social Sciences Computing Services (SSCS), and the Kilts Center at the Chicago Booth School of Business.  
  • The UCI Libraries get emails from the Kilts Center regarding the Nielsen Datasets.  When the Kilts Center makes new data available, the UCI Libraries IT staff manually transfer it to a special account within the RCIC dedicated to the Nielsen Datasets.  
  • The Nielsen Datasets in the UCI Libraries' account in CRSP contains essentially* all of the data that the Kilts Center offers in the Nielsen Datasets product.  If you think something is missing, please email Annette Buckley, and she will investigate!

    We say essentially because there may be a few-day lag for this workflow:
    • The UCI Libraries get an email from the Kilts Center about new data.
    • Libraries IT pull the data using the Globus File Transfer system that Kilts uses.
    • Libraries IT put the data into CRSP. 


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