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Nielsen Datasets

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Authorized Affiliates are people with an active UCInetID and password, i.e., current UC Irvine students and employees.


The resources are limited to select UC Irvine populations, based on a person’s status, e.g., current UC Irvine Faculty or PhD students. Please refer to the UC Irvine Libraries for access instructions.

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About and Register

Eligibility for access is strictly limited to current UCI
tenured and tenure-track faculty, PhD students, and Postdoctoral researchers.  


Researchers may not share the data with individuals not registered and approved by the Kilts Center, including any student in an undergraduate or master’s program.  These access limitations are Nielsen / NielsenIQ's policies.  


The Nielsen Datasets 

Data is from a partnership between Nielsen / NielsenIQ, and the Kilts Center for Marketing at the Chicago Booth School of Business. 


The datasets are:

  • Consumer Panel Data
    Longitudinal data beginning in 2004 with annual updates. These data track a panel of 40,000–60,000 US households and their purchases of fast-moving consumer goods from a wide range of retail outlets across all US markets.

  • Panel Views Surveys
    Complementary to the Consumer Panel Data.  Additional data about households and their members. 

  • Retail Scanner Data
    Data consist of weekly pricing, volume, and store environment information generated by point-of-sale systems from more than 90 participating retail chains across all US markets. Data begin in 2006 and include annual updates.

  • Ad Intel Data
    Data cover advertising occurrences for a variety of media types across the United States, for the years 2010-2016, with annual updates available each year. These data can be broken down by Market Code (i.e. ~200 Designated Market Areas (DMAs), which can be matched to DMAs in the Consumer Panel and Retail Scanner datasets).


The Kilts Center is contractually prohibited from providing full documentation about the datasets (e.g., a list of variables) until a researcher has registered with the Kilts Center. For questions, about documentation please email the Kilts Center.


Release Schedule
According to staff at the Kilts Center, the datasets are released simultaneously and on a one-year lag; i.e. the 2020 release had 2018 data. The release date will vary, depending on both when the Kilts Center receives the data from Nielsen, and how long data cleanup takes.

Registration process for Eligible Users:

  1. Visit the Kilts Center Registration website and choose these options:
    Country:  United States
    Institution:  University of California Irvine.

  2. You'll be redirected to a page with a message saying Contract Found.  Look for the link to the Request Access page.

  3. Enter your information in the Request Access form to request a registration code.

  4. After you register, the Kilts Center will review your project(s) and send you a final activation email, along with steps for how to access the data.

PhD students and Postdocs:

  • As you register with the Kilts Center, you must list a faculty advisor, who must be a full-time tenured or tenure-track professor from the subscribing institution.  
  • Before you can access data, your advisor must also individually complete the full registration process.
    • The UCI Libraries’ staff won't get Kilts Center’s automated email to accept your registration code request until your advisor first completes their own registration.


UCI Libraries' staff typically accept registration requests within 48 hours during the business week.  If you don't receive an update after 48 business hours, please do the following:

  1. Visit the Libraries Ask A Librarian email service page.
  2. Copy and paste this script into the email form:
    • Question: 
      Nielsen Datasets Registration Acceptance Request
    • More Detail/Explanation:
      I am a researcher requesting access to the Nielsen Datasets.  It has been more than 48 hours since I submitted my request for a registration code.  I need UCI Libraries staff to help me get access to the data by visiting the following guide (LibApps login required):