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Graduate Student Research Support

Guidance to help new scholars navigate the realm of scholarship.

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ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a global, not-for-profit organization sustained by fees from member organizations. Their vision is a world where all who participate in research, scholarship, and innovation are uniquely identified and connected to their contributions across disciplines, borders, and time.

With ORCID, you can establish:

  • The ORCID iD: a unique, persistent identifier free of charge to researchers
  • An ORCID record connected to the ORCID iD

It also offers a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), as well as the services and support of communities of practice that enable interoperability between an ORCID record and member organizations so researchers can choose to allow connection of their iD with their affiliations and contributions.

Our Scholarly Communications Librarian, Mitchell Brown, has developed a support guide for ORCID, with tips on how to use your iD, privacy issues, and other FAQs.

Google Scholar Profile

If you conduct a search in Google Scholar, you'll notice some author names are linked, and some are not. The link will lead you to an Author Profile page, with name, title, contact information, a list of publications and the number of times those publications have been cited, and a few other analytics and links. Should you chose, you can also create an author profile.


To create a profile, select the 3 bars in the upper left corner of Google Scholar's home page, or select My Profile. From there, there will be a few pages of fields you can fill out with whatever information you chose to share. Once you've created a profile, your name will be linked on Google Scholar results you've authored.