In order to avoid plagiarism and to honor intellectual integrity, make sure that you cite the authority in a bibliographic reference to anything that is not your original writing or creation - that means when you quote a passage, insert a graphic image, figures, or illustration, that you cite the original source. The style manual you choose to follow should document how you cite electronic resources. Standard formats include the following reference elements, but there may be different conventions or different order of the elements, so make sure you are following the correct referencing style and are consistent:
Standard formats include the following reference elements:
For a Journal article or conference proceeding:
Author(s) - last name, first name, MI, (depends on the style manual, for IEEE it is first name or initial followed by last name) - [include multiple authors if noted] (date), Title of article. Source of Article/Title of Journal. volume #, (issue #): pages. If it is only an electronic publication with no reference to print pages, then you cite the DOI - Digital Object Identifier and the date last visited. Sometimes quotation marks and italics are required, so check (IEEE is such an example )
If it is a conference paper, then you cite the Source of the Publication, Title of conference, date and location of meeting.
For books, the format is:
Author, editor of volume or chapter, (imprint date). Title of chapter in Title of Book, edited by editor if different. City of Publication: Publisher, page references. Note if it is an eBook.
For full volume:
Author, (date). Title of Book. City of Publisher, Publisher: pages
IEEE Citation Style - The IEEE Editorial Style Manual (2019) notes the specific ways that references and footnotes are to be handled in submissions to IEEE publications. The IEEE Referencing Guide notes practices and they are different than other styles, so follow this and perhaps these guides from the following university libraries will give more examples: Murdoch University or Purdue University's Owl series for IEEE.
APA Style - The new release of the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association was issued in Dec 2019. It is only available in print and is located at every Reference Desk at REF BF76.7 .P83 2020. Both the Purdue Owl Guide and the APA Guides have been revised.
MLA Style Format is documented in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 2009 at any of the UCI Library Reference Desks at REF LIB 2369 G53 2009 - the Purdue OWL Guide is recommended for consultation
Other hints:
There are a number of ways to manage images and materials scientists may find these useful.
The Digital Images Collections Wiki is a resource of Free- and Fair-Use digital image collections that are available for anyone to use for personal or educational purposes.
World's public photography collection/archive. Library of Congress, various museums, and libraries have also posted photographs for you to view
The UCI Libraries are providing campus-wide access to a new image management tool for research and teaching.
ARTstor Guide - ARTstor Quick-Start Guide
The Subject Guide for Finding Images should be a point of departure.
BIBLIOGRAPHIC MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE - allows you to discover, find, manage, recall and apply the citations you retrieve from all formats of work - journal articles, book chapters, edited volumes, standards, specifications, patents, conference papers & proceedings, lectures, etc. Neither Zotero nor EndNote support BibTeX or LaTeX, only the usual wordprocessing languages or Legal Style Manual. For additional information, please visit the Bibliographic Management Software page.
EndNote is a robust product for Bibliographic Management Software, but it needs to be purchased and is dependent upon access on one computer. EndNote Web is a modified web-based product available via the Web of Science platform. See separate entry.
Zotero is a free extension for Firefox 2.0, which enables browsers to capture citation information from Web pages quickly and easily. Must be downloaded to personal computer. Supports nonconventional scripts & images well.
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