BIBLIOGRAPHIC MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE - allows you to discover, find, manage, recall and apply the citations you retrieve from all formats of work - journal articles, book chapters, edited volumes, standards, specifications, patents, conference papers & proceedings, lectures, etc. Neither Zotero nor EndNote support BibTeX or LaTeX, only the usual wordprocessing languages or Legal Style Manual. For additional information, please visit the Bibliographic Management Software page.
You may not be ready to consider your dissertation right away, but it should not be far from your thinking. By the end of the second year you will begin working closely with a faculty advisor and formulating your research topic. It is smart to think about the final product from the onset, so as to learn how you will format it and prepare the document so that the writing, revisions, and updating can take place easily and seamlessly. There are many documents to direct you in this endeavor and some beginning resources include the UCI Thesis and Dissertation Manual
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